Thursday, May 24, 2018

March 2018

Even though I haven't posted in over a year (lol) I am back to it yet again!

So after reading my last blog entry in January of 2017, I am excited to chat about where I'm at right now. I mean, I'm not in a much better place physically but I feel like I've got a really good lifestyle situation right now that will be helpful in achieving my goals.

One thing I don't talk an awful lot about in any blogs, is the actual goals. I see I've done a lot of tracking numbers, but I don't really touch on the actual goals themselves.For me, I couldn't give a rip about my numbers. The happiest and fittest I ever felt, I weighed 215. Peoples bodies are all so different, how can anyone judge each other and themselves based off of some measurements? Its just ridiculous. I am 5'2", so of course anytime I gain or lose 10 pounds you'd think it'd really really show. However, I am here to say I've been over 200 for a majority of my life as a mother, and alot of people are actually shocked to hear what my weight is when I tell them. I see ladies posting pictures online in groups I'm a part of that show their before weight and they were absolutely huge. I mean I know I'm big too I'm not saying I"m not, but these ladies were noticeably far larger than me yet weighed the same as me. This is a bad thing though, because from what I understand this means I have compacted weight which is harder on the internal organs.

Which, brings me back to my discussion about my goals. As I've said, I couldn't care less what the numbers are. I'm not 14 and I'm not self conscious about what people think. I am living my life in this skin on this planet for a short time in the big picture of things and I want to enjoy it. After I had Ruby I weighed 265, and somehow over last summer, the summer of 2017, I put on 16 pounds from June 2017 to November 2017. I'm really not sure how or why it happened. I know I was struggling with some stress and anxiety, but I don't think it was that major of a deal that it would cause such a drastic weight gain in such a small time... but I was in the process of learning how to deal with that stress and anxiety. I had been doing it wrong and letting it prohibit me from getting out and being active. I have struggled on and off with major social anxiety issues. So when I'm stressed or anxious about anything, the last thing I wanted to do is go be social or active, I found myself hiding away and sticking close to home.

My goals are first and foremost, to take care of myself mentally. Life is a roller coaster for us all. Working full time is stressful, and being a stay at home mom is stressful. I'm somewhere in between. Life in general is stressful for different people for different reasons and I 100% believe knowing how to handle your stress and how to release your stress is the #1 step in healthy living.  I make it a point to live in the moment. To 'shut my brain off' if you will, and to just mindlessly live my life. I push all stresses away. I focus on the smiling faces of my children, and the gratification I get from keeping my home clean, and making sure I get outside every single day and be active.

My other goal aside from taking care of myself mentally, is to feel good. I totally enjoy working out, I totally enjoy going for walks and hikes, I enjoy being able to put on clothes and have them fit how I want them to. That simple process of getting dressed in the morning can either make or break how you feel about yourself sometimes lol... When I'm putting something on I think wiill look cute and I look like a sack of potatoes it's pretty disheartening! I miss the feeling of throwing something on and just feeling good, having it fit right, and not having to spend a ton of time piecing together the perfect outfit that fits and also camouflages my chub hahaha....

Anyways, since November I have lost 26 pounds. The first months from November up until around February I have no idea how but I had lost 15 pounds. I think that was around the time I was really focusing on my mentality and not letting myself get stressed and anxious. Then from February until May 9th, I had only lost an additional 2 pounds. It is May 24th right now, and I have been eating Keto for almost a month now. Keto is essentially low carb, high fat, and moderate protein. Since May 9th I have dropped an additional 11 pounds. The benefits to a keto way of life are astounding. I never feel hungry, I always have energy, and the 'fasting' aspect of it helps me keep a clear focus on things. I feel proud of myself for doing this, as it was definitely a learning process getting started. It took a lot of understanding and research to  know exactly what keto was and to figure out for myself whether I thought it would be beneficial or not, and then it took even more to get started. Once I was 2 weeks in, I watched "the magic pill" on Netflix and that was super inspirational too. It definitely inspired me to implement healthier things into my kids diets. They are already pretty healthy eaters, and I was adding in things such as pasta that has zero nutritional value. The kids have been on board with eating healthier and although Silvana sometimes wants something different from what we're having once she's tried it, we are all doing pretty dang well.

Anyways today my measurements are: 250 lbs

Around belly button 55
High waist 42
Middle 52
Neck 16.5
Bicep 15
Upper Thigh 29
Calf 19

In comparing my measurements now to my measurements when I was both 265 and 214, I found it interesting that my upper thigh is always about the same measurement haha.

My goal is to be healthy, happy, and to enjoy life. Plain and simple. As far as what I'd like to see on the scale, although it really doesn't phase me as much as what I feel like and how my clothes fit- I'd ideally like to see 150 on the scale. Which means I have exactly 100 pounds to go and its a scary prospect, but since I'm not focused on my weight... I can instead focus on how great I've been feeling and on keeping myself busy to get out all of this extra energy. The weight will continue to fall off, I'm sure of that!

That's all for today, I have children to wake up for school and chores to do and errands to run... but if you're reading this and you're interested in the keto way of life, I highly encourage you to do a little googling on it. It's pretty interesting stuff. The science is there behind it, and there are thousands of people with pretty solid before and after pictures and weight losses within short amounts of time. Can't hurt to try! :) I will be posting more on my story and my experience with keto, as well as tried and true recipes I've found that I love and that have made this process a breeze!

Have a good day ya'll. <3

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lets begin again.

It has been FOREVER since I last posted a blog. I'm actually a bit afraid to go back and see just how long it's been.

The past couple of years have been a roller coaster to say the least. I've gone through a job or two, had another baby who is currently 6 months old, got divorced, met a new man whom the kids and I now live with- it has been insane.

Currently I stay at home, which was an odd adjustment at first since I hadn't stayed home in years. However I was at a point with all of the recent drama, that I found just how stressed I had been. Staying at home has really helped with the stress aspect. Immensely. I can now take my time in life, focus on the baby and the house, try to sort out my thoughts and face in my head the things I've been through rather than shove them aside to focus solely on work.

I have began writing a book that I've wanted to write for years. I have gotten a nice routine down and I have more patience with the kids. Now I need to continue to do things for me.

Since having the baby, I am now at 265 lbs. This is 20 pounds higher than I have ever been before. When I was at 245 some years ago, I was so mortified I decided to make a major life change. I had been doing good and looking great up until a year ago. Between the pregnancy and the stress of the past year, I have put on 40 pounds from where I was. I need to literally lose around 100 pounds at this point to be where I'd feel healthy and happy.

So - let's get this started.

The last time I took measurements:
 MARCH 26 2015

Current Weight: 214
Waist: 36 7/8 inch
Hips: 50"
Neck: 14.5"
Forearm over birthmark: 10 3/8"
Upper arm: 13.5"
Calf: 17 3/8"
Mid thigh: 23.5"
Upper Thigh: 28"

January 12, 2017:

Current Weight: 265
waist: 46"
Hips: 56"
Neck: 16"
Forearm over birth mark:11.5"
Upper Arm: 16.5"
Calf: 19"
Mid Thigh: 27"
Upper Thigh: 31"

March 27, 2014

Current Weight: 203
Waist: 36.5"
Hips: 45"
Neck: 13.8"
Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"
Upper Arm: 13.5"
Calf: 17"
Mid thigh: 21.5'
Upper Thigh: 26"
Body fat %:  45.29

 MARCH 26 2015

Current Weight: 214
Waist: 36 7/8 inch
Hips: 50"
Neck: 14.5"
Forearm over birthmark: 10 3/8"
Upper arm: 13.5"
Calf: 17 3/8"
Mid thigh: 23.5"
Upper Thigh: 28"

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27: Complicated!

It has been a couple months since I've posted measurements, so I'm doing so today. :) I am not super thrilled with what the numbers show, but what I AM happy about... is that I am CREEPING towards being under 200 pounds!! 4 more pounds to go!!! :) LOL. it's kind of funny, you'd think I'd be a little embarassed to be publicly throwing my weight out there like some girls probably would be.... but you know what... it's called confidence. ;)  I could care LESS what the scale says, because my mirror is looking GOOD! :P Hehe...

Seriously though, I really do feel absolutely amazing.  I look and feel entirely different than I did a year ago, and I'm loving it. My clothes fit way better, I have tons more energy, I just feel stronger & healthier in every way!

So, two months ago, I started lifting at the gym. At that time, I was also in kickboxing classes. Those only lasted a few weeks, and then I was just doing the lifting for an hour a day. I have been consistent with that, and can feel myself getting stronger... and it's only been 2 months! The past couple of weeks I've been re-adding the 30 minutes to an hour of cardio that I did last year each day, because I know that's the ticket to losing this weight. Cardio plus weights.

 I have also been aiming to stick to a low-carb diet. The first few days were confusing, because I didn't realize how many carbs are in most foods. Fruit, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, etc, etc....many things that you'd think are healthy..... it's baffling! But I found some awesome low-carb wraps that I love... I even had a reuben on one of those wraps on St.Patricks day, and let me tell you... it was AMAZING. I just had a little of the thousand island dressing on it... it was low fat/ lower carb thousand island dressing I found. Seriously, as long as I keep finding ways to incorporate some yummy things into this lower carb diet... I could totally foresee myself sticking to it! 

I'm not gonna lie, I have had 'bad' days. Yesterday for example, the kids chose to go to the Drive In to eat which just re-opened for the 'spring/ summer' [ even though there's still ten feet of snow outside. :P  ].... and there, I had a small root beer, and a burger. :S I didn't feel super horrible about it, because I have enough self control to have something like that once a month or so, and not crave it or want it any other times. I have definitely craved some carbs in the afternoon.. it's usually around 2-3pm when that happens... but I've been decent about not giving in. I've had days where I'd have a granola bar or something, and then I'd kick myself in the butt for it... I felt so bad! 

The thing that I find super interesting is the fact that.. now that I'm watching carbs, I'm realizing HOW MANY CARBS I was eating before!! Even over the past year when I was dieting, for a snack I would have 2  peanut butter toast on whole grain bread sometimes... and yes, that's a LOT of carbs. 

I was very skeptical of the whole 'low carb' idea for over a year.... when I first met people who tried talking me into trying it, I thought they were crazy. With my reasearch, one thing  I'm finding is that going low carb is a really good way to cut fat. What I've read is that when your body doesn't have those carbs for energy, it burns your fat for energy instead.  

Strangely, I'm still sort-of in the skeptical phase to a point. In the sense that, I do think it's okay to have SOME carbs. Not A TON like I was, unknowingly, before. But I think that if I have a greek yogurt... which has like 30 carbs per serving.... I don't think that's a horrendous thing, is it? I haven't been having more than around 30 grams of carbs despite my skepticism....because I want to see if this really works. However a part of me  feels like your body needs SOME whole grain,  nutritional carbs to function normally. I don't know, call me crazy! I'm still trying to figure it all out. I have talked to my dietician about carb cycling, and cutting carbs, and he thinks it's bad to mess with your body like that.

The frustrating part is, there are 'scientific' articles alll over the internet stating how cutting carbs is a good thing.... and likewise, there are articles stating that cutting carbs is a very bad thing. It's just frustrating that things can't be more straight forward. Everyone's body is different, and what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for us all, so I'm just trying to figure out what works best for me. I know for sure that cutting a huge amount of the sugar and carbs has made me feel really good. I used to have like 2-3 coffee's a day, with 2 sugars and 2 liquid creamer cups.... and now I realize just how many carbs & sugar that was right there.. a lot. *sigh* Not having sugar has honestly made me wayyyy less moody. When I have delved into a little more sugar, I have had a really bad headache. That seems to kind of tell me that my body was addicted to sugar... and that I'm pretty much un-addicted now. The headache I get from sugar now isn't even worth it!

It's just a struggle figuring it all out. I want to be the healthiest I can, I want to be in good shape... I will do ANYTHING that works here.... I just wish it wasn't so complicated!


So, here goes with my measurements::::: Starting with the last ones I took, in January:

January 27, 2014

Current Weight 207

Waist:  36.5"

Hips :  46"

Neck: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"

Upper Arm: 12.5"

Calf : 17"

Mid thigh: 20"

Upper Thigh: 25.5"

Body fat %: 46.12 %

March 27, 2014

Current Weight: 203

Waist: 36.5"

Hips: 45"

Neck: 13.8"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"

Upper Arm: 13.5"

Calf: 17"

Mid thigh: 21.5'

Upper Thigh: 26"

Body fat %:  45.29

LOL the funny thing is, a few of my measurements went UP  about an inch for the first time since I've been measuring [ Upper arms, mid & upper thigh ] yet my clothes are looser than ever and I'm feeling my best yet!! :)

I'm thinking I am going to make an appointment with my doctor to check all my 'stats', see how healthy I am, and see if they can actually figure out my actual body fat percentage. The only way I come up with the above percentages, is by an online calculator where you input your neck inches, waist inches, weight, and height. I'm not 100% convinced of it's accuracy considering everyone has a different body type & such. So my goal for this month is to really check into things and see where I'm at here.

Well,  hopefully things will be even better in a couple more months! Honestly, I don't see how they couldn't with everything I'm doing. I would LOVE to be at like 199 at least... hahah.... like I said I don't care about the number so much, but it would kind of feel good to be under 200 for the first time in almost 8 years!!! I already weigh way less than I have in 8 years, so that's something. :) 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A few changes!

<<  For real though!

Hey guys!

So, it's been a few weeks since I posted last. I have been doing really well with everything, I think!

One thing that has noticeably made me feel different/ better in the past few weeks, is that I've changed my eating habits A LOT. I *thought* I was doing the right things.... around 1600 calories, low-fat, whole grains, yogurts, fruits, veggies.

However, I have heard from a few different sources that going low-carb, high-protein is the way to go. I'm finding this to be true. I used to think that things like nonfat cottage cheese, bananas, greek yogurt, whole grain pasta, granola bars, etc were all really good things to have throughout the day. Do you have any idea how many carbs are in all of that stuff?! A LOT.

The main reason I never really went low carb before despite the fact that everyone said it was the way to go, is I didn't know/ understand WHY it's the way to go. I'm one of those stubborn people who needs to know 'why' before I do things. I need to know how things work, before just taking other people's word for things.

Basically, by eating low carb.. your body resorts to burning stored fat for energy, rather than carbohydrates. That's what I gather from what I've read, in a nutshell. I've also read that it can cause moodiness and hormone fluctuations. LOL... which I've gotta say, I think may be true. Especially at first... it was strangely emotional not eating carbs. :P

What I personally aim to do, is eat as little of carbs as possible. If I'm going to incorporate carbs, I try to do that around lunch time or so. Not dinner. However, I have had a serving of whole grain noodles at dinner time, or a low carb wrap. I try to keep my carb count low, eat every 2-3 hours or so, something small. Typically I'm finding my carb intake to be under 30g carbs for the day. I've read that under 50-150g is actually considered 'low carb' as well, so if I go over the 30 I don't beat myself up, I just aim to stay low.

I haven't been having any sugar or liquid creamer in my coffee, either. The powder creamer I use is less than 1 carb per serving so I measure out 2 servings, and typically only have 1 coffee a day anyways. 2 tops. Then one day last week I had a cookie, because Deslin picked a box of 'red velvet' cookies out at the store just for me, because he thought I'd love them. So I had to have one. I got a headache almost immediately, felt sick, disappointed in myself, and strangely..... anytime in the past few months when I've had a cheat meal... I almost feel hungover!! Just nauseous and dizzy, and sick! So strange. So, that really helps me stay on track with eating right too.

As far as working out goes... I've been doing great. One new thing I've been doing is I have a notebook where I have 6 pages full of workouts. One page per workout day. They are Chest/ tricep, Shoulders/abs, Legs, Bicep/Tricep, Abs at-home workout, and Back / Bicep.

I've been doing these workouts since I started at the gym, but I added a few that I found on, and my 'my fitness buddy' app. Each workout lasts an hour, and I've been doing cardio afterwards.  This past week I've been making sure that I get my cardio in. I had been slacking on that for a while, but it's time to get my head back in the game & get on that.

I've also been writing down the date, and what body area I'm working out that day in a different section of the notebook, so I can keep track of what I should be doing and in what order.. as well as how much cardio I'm getting. So far here's what I've done since I've been keeping track::

2/24: Back/ Bicep
2/25: Chest/ Tricep
2/26: Legs
2/27: Shoulders/ Abs
2/28: Off-out of town
3/1: Bicep/ Tricep + 1 hr elliptical
3/2: Legs
3/3: off- Worked 11-7 and didn't make it.
3/4: Back/ Bicep + 1 hr elliptical
3/5: Chest/ Tricep
3/6: Abs at home + 30 min elliptical
3/7: Off- skating show weekend
3/8: Off- Skating show weekend
3/9: Legs
3/10: Shoulders/ Abs + 1 hr elliptical
3/11: Tricep/ Bicep + 40 min elliptical
3/12: Back/ Bicep + 30 min elliptical.

I'm pretty happy with how things are going I'd say. One thing I do want to do maybe in a couple weeks, is start a workout program from, and see how that goes. There's one called " Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer" that I'm thinking I'm going to try. It's a 12 week program and I think it'll be good to change things up a bit soon. She has specific work outs for each day, along with a basic meal guide... which types of food to eat and when. She also encourages eating every 2-3 hours like I already am, lots of egg whites & veggies.. nothing too different from what I'm already doing besides the workouts are just a little bit different. Won't hurt to try! :)

Anyways that's about all I have for now. One of these days I need to take current measurements & post them. I am most definitely seeing and feeling changes... for example, the other day I flexed my hip muscles and it was so funny, because I don't think I've ever had noticeable hip muscles before. lol...and my legs are much more toned, my butt is taking on more shape. I'm just loving this!!!! :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Pictures of Progress!!

There's not a whole lot new to report. ...

I have been consistently doing strength training. I can feel so much more muscle on my body,and I am LOVING that! My legs & biceps primarily. I can feel a LOT less flub on my belly than before, too. lol... I can see small changes in my overall appearance. My butt for example, is starting to take on a better shape I think!

The scale has kind of been at a standstill, but I'm not super concerned with that. I have driven myself absolutely nuts a few times throughout this whole process by obsessively weighing myself. A few findings: In the morning, you always weigh a LOT less than you do in the evening. Your weight can fluctuate within 5-10 pounds throughout the week, based on so many different factors. It will drive you crazy if you get too carried away with the scale.

I have fallen off the 'good eating' bandwagon a little bit. I was doing so so good, and then I've had ice cream, a cookie one day a week or so ago, a piece of pizza this past weekend, and today I had a biscuit at work. Ugh!!! It is most definitely the most frustrating part of all of this.

Okay, so Lord knows I have a lonnng way to go, but I am so happy to be where I am right now, compared to where I was last year at this time! Yes there are struggles and set backs from time to time, but it's all SO worth it.  Just as a refresher, I'm going to post  'Then & Now" pictures. They pretty much speak for themselves!

February 2013

Those were taken at my sisters baby shower, and I looked like I was the pregnant one!! :(

February 2014

I mean............. look at the difference!!!! And I am not only confident, I am ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that by February 2015.... there will be some more major changes.

Looking at these pictures, it's hard to get down on myself for my setbacks. I have lost a ton of weight, gained some muscle, and have a bit of a WAIST again for the first time since I was preggo with Deslin in 2007. This is exciting stuff!! :)

Please, do not ask me ' How is your diet going?" I've been asked that a few times and it's irritating. This is NOT a diet. This is my life.

My plan of action currently is this:

* STOP weighing myself for a few months.
* EAT CLEAN and stay on track with eating. This will of course be challenging as usual, but this is what I really NEED to do at this point to make major progress.
* Continue weight training
* Add more cardio. I've been doing about 2-3 hours a week of cardio, and I need to double that to what it was before I started weight training.

So that's about all for now. I am so excited for this entire year. I already have so much more confidence and am so sure of myself. Nothing and no one will get in my way, I can promise you that. :)

 << LOL. Sorry Joe, but I'd have to do the same. ;) heheh..

Also, for anyone who is 'bothered' by my workout posts::  :P Ahh I'm such a dork and love these.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Neverending Journey

Just starting out with an adorable random picture of my two main reasons for all of this!! 

Okay, so the last time I posted, I posted my measurements. I didn't post a link to that one on Facebook, because I was just super super frustrated with myself for 'taking a step back' over October through December.

On January 27th when I made that last post, my weight was 207, and that's still what my scale is showing today. It's only been like 8 days so I can't be too hard on myself. I'm just a little irritated because I have been working my a** off. However, I KNOW this isn't a super fast process.. I know 8 days is a little soon to be expecting ANY kind of results.

Having said that, I have to say.... even though the scale isn't reflecting any changes, I do FEEL amazing.... I LOVE working out. I LOVE knowing I'm getting healthy & fit. It may not happen 'fast', but it'll happen. I can promise you that! I honestly do feel as though I can see and feel a bit more definition in my legs and arms, and my belly feels smaller.... but that could all be in my head. :P

I think my main frustration is STILL being over 200 lbs. I will be beside myself with excitement when I see '199' on the scale. I know it will give me the faith in myself that I need to push myself even harder. I feel like I push myself hard now, but it's a process. My body wasn't physically strong enough to push very hard just one year ago, but I have come a LONG way. Even since starting strength training roughly 3 weeks ago, I feel more and more confident in what I can do, and in pushing my limits. I just never want to stop!

[ My ideal body!!! ------->>>]

I do get super tired during the day sometimes. I need to make sure I'm getting enough sleep. That's one of the big struggles for me. However, a year ago before starting any kind of working out... I was so physically & mentally exhausted and in denial of what was happening to me, that I was ALWAYS tired. I always went and laid in bed and napped. I just felt like that was going to be my life, forever.  I'm positive it was some depression kicking in, and I'm beyond thankful that I somehow pulled myself out of that last February when I decided to change things.

It was around mid February when I first really started to be serious about losing weight last year.  It's been kind of baby steps since that day. I started out with half an hour on the elliptical a few times a week.. That would wipe me right out at first. Then changed up my eating quite a bit....then went an hour on the elliptical... then went more days a week on top of that... it's all just a process. I'm STILL on that journey now, almost exactly 1 year later. In about 2 weeks it will be 1 full year. Oh how I would LOVE to lost another 12 pounds by then, so I could say I lost 50 in the last year. Who knows if that will happen or is even possible.... but it won't hurt to try!!

It can be really easy to fall into a state of mind time and again where you feel like this is as good as it gets... like you can't do it. You can never be your 'ideal' self. It's during those times that I need to reflect and give myself some credit. This past year, I have gone from having ZERO fitness or good eating habits, to  being pretty good and consistent with an hour of cardio most days of the week. I've also started strength training, and have gotten really good at counting calories and self control. I've also lost 40 pounds. I mean, yes you see people on these weight loss shows who just drop it like it's hot.. haha!! That can be irritating when you feel like you're doing the best you can. But, I know that my 'best' right now , isn't going to be my 'best' a year from now. I'm constantly improving. I won't allow myself to go backwards any more. It's only going to get better from here, and I need to remind myself of that.

Even if the day comes where I am physically where I want to be and maintaining,,,, there will always be some aspect of my life I will be working on making better. Life's a journey, you have to love the PROCESS of evolving and changing for the better. Because like I said.. once you reach your goals, there's always more goals to be made and dominated.

 If I can do this, I promise you anyone can. It's a process but it's worth it, and it's baby steps. It doesn't have to be some big overwhelming thing all at once.