Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday October 1, 2012

This morning Joe and I got up and got the kids on the bus, and left within half an hour [at 9o o'clock] to go for a walk. We figured we would go to the left from our house, straight for awhile, down to the left past the whirl -i-gig, and left again along the lake shore until we got to town. My legs were really sore at first, but the more we walked the better I felt! It was nice talking and spending time with Joe, too. I was irritated at times because I was out of breath, but I'm glad we stuck it out! A couple times he suggested that if I wanted we could take a shorter route home, but I told him no! I would feel awful about myself if I took the easy way. It was so rejuvenating. When we got back into town, I was starving. So we headed to the coffee shop for a fruit smoothie. The bank clock said what Joe thought was 10:01... but upon further inspection we realized that had been the date.... it was 11:20! We were walking for over 2 hours! It was soo shocking. It felt really long and boring at times, but we figured it was maybe an hour or so. LOL. I guess time flies when you're having fun!! LOL. So then we got our smoothies and conteplated sitting at the park to finish them, but we walked up the steep back hill by the park and headed home. I was really light headed because anytime I have sugar first thing in the day, I feel sick, light headed, and dizzy. And the smoothie was a fruit smoothie, so there's tons of sugar right there.. plus there was a little whipped cream on top, and that did me in. I don't know why. I've had my sugar checked a few times in the past and I'm not diabetic. Hmmm. Strange. Once we got home, and started walking around the house, I realized just how sore I am! My back is pretty sore, and my big toe on my right foot has a huge blister on the side of it! I think it's hilarious because my feet aren't/weren't even really sore or anything. It kinda grosses me out though. LOL. So then we had our real brunch.. I finished the other half of my sub that I had for dinner last night. It was a turkey and swiss sub with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and a little buffalo sauce. I could hardly finish it! So I threw almost half of it away. Then I had a 4-6 oz glass of apple cider. YUM. It was the perfect end to the meal. After we were done eating we wanted to go for a ride to see how far we had actually walked. I assumed it was like 3 miles, Joe said it was probably around 5-he GUARANTEED me it was more than 3. I didn't believe him, so we hopped in the car , reset the trip meter, and drove the exact path that we had walked. It turned out to be 7 miles!!!! Woo hooo! =] SO proud of myself, and Joe1 Now I have to hop in the shower so I can go get Silvana from school and drive her up to gymnastics. I plan on having some veggies for dinner. Well see. But I definitely need to make sure I take my eating very seriously because I'm not doing this exercising for nothing!!!!! Oh also, I did some research and found a website that calculates how many calories you burn by your weight and activity/ activity level, and it estimated that I burned 1200 calories from that walk! SWEET!!!!! I also read that you need to burn like 4000 calories more than you consume in order to lose a pound! Food for thought!!! :P

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