Sunday, February 17, 2013

Workout #2!

Today is Sunday February 17th, 6:37pm.

Lately, life has been sooo busy. I've been working alot, picked up a few shifts to help people out at work, etc. Painted and re-upholstered the rocker/glider and ottoman that I had, so that Holly can use it for Emberli. Had Holly's baby shower to go to, so I had to make 2 huge bowls of mandarin orange jello, etc, etc. All excuses, though.. I know. There's always the option of waking up even just half an hour earlier than planned, to get in a quick half hour workout. But, it's hard. For the past few weeks I've had a horribly hard time falling asleep. Have had alot on my mind, about Brecken, Sarah, Holly and Emberli, my own kids... work, Joe potentially getting a new job, and if he does.. should he accept? Figuring out money, bills, trying to come up with an actual budget to stick to, since we've never really had one... etc, etc.

Though, I am pretty proud. I haven't had a drink or a cigarette since December 21st. That's not a horribly long time, but I feel very good about it. And I have no intentions of having either in the future. Especially not the near future. We shall see!
I have, as usual, had good intentions of eating well.. the things happen such as a housekeeper coming into the kitchen, with a container full of 'homemade snickers bars" that she wants us to try.. I had one, but immediately regretted it. It was soo sweet. Good, but too sweet for my taste. Plus, my waist line certainly doesn't need the calories. *sigh*

Anyways, I worked Friday and took Saturday off, [switched shifts] so that I could go to Holly's baby shower yesterday. I only had a carnation instant breakfast, for breakfast. And at the baby shower, I had a plate full of yums. Meatballs, a turkey sandwich, potato salad.. yums. Then I got home at 7 pm. Joe wanted to get the kids to bed, and get some Subway for us. I was not at all hungry, and although I would probably normally go for it.. I didn't. I told him I just wasn't hungry. So, he didn't get any either.

So I got to bed late last night. Then worked 6:30am-1:30pm today. Got off an hour early, and Joe and the kids had went to Caspian for a snowmobile hillclimb at 11am, so I planned on coming home and perhaps taking a nap.. well Facebook suckered me in, so that didn't happen. I had a handful of hershey's kisses. Then after quite few hours of lullin' around and being bored, I finally worked up the ambition to do an elliptical workout for half an hour. To many people, a half an hour workout is probably nothing... but to me, it's pretty difficult. I have zero determination. Zero % of me, wants to work out for half an hour. I always stare at the timer, and it goes by so slow. But having the elliptical in the living room definitely helps that. I did keep glancing at the timer, but was mostly watching the Weekly News Recap. I love watching the news, so it went by fairly fast, and I was sweating bullets.

I always feel so amazing after a workout.. I feel so tingly, and light-headed, and I can feel my muscles strengthening; I almost think I can feel my fat burning away. LOL. I am hoping that since I have an addictive personality, that refraining from 'going out' will cause me to get 'addicted' to working out.. It's such a positive thing.. I think/know it will do wonders for every aspect of my life.

I used to workout for 2-3 hours a day, when I was in college. I just lost ALL ambition to look good, after I met Joe and we had kids. I lost any energy I had, and I didn't care if I laid in bed ALL DAY... If I could do it, I did. It feels good that the kids are grown up now, they're both in school, and i have some time to free my mind, and reconnect with who I am. I've always just concentrated on spending every living second for them; cooking/cleaning, doing projects with them, blogging about them when I did have free time, etc, etc, etc. But I'm at a point in my life, where I KNOW that the best thing I can do for us all, is to get myself back into shape, and be active again. I need to be a good role model for them. I need to be healthy so I can be here for them, for a long time. I need to show them, AND myself.. that you CAN do what ever, and you CAN be what ever, you want to in life. I can, I will.... you WILL see!!!!!!!!

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