Monday, March 4, 2013

PROGRESS!!!! 3/4/13

Today I weighed myself. The scale said 238!!!!! This is exciting for me, because I haven't really seen a weight drop at all any time that I have tried.. well maybeee at the most like 2 pounds, after a good month of working on it. But that was just frustrating.

What I've been doing differently:::

I've been drinking nothing but water, lemon water, and green tea. A girl I know who lost 90 pounds in like 9 months, said that she drinks warm lemon water before she drinks anything else, a huge jug of water, and 6 cups of green tea each day. I know I've been drinking at LEAST that. Today alone, I pee'd like 15 times. LOL. It was kind of annoying yet at the same time I knew I was on the right track! All the hydration, plus my motivation, and just my overall state of mind lately, has made me not very interested in eating hardly at all, much less as much as I perhaps used to. I never felt like I ate a lot before, but I guess I did. And I definitely ate the wrong things when I did eat, I know that. But lately I've been opting for healthy choices, fruits, veggies, lean meats... annd I feel sooo much better for it already. Plus, I've had more energy to be consistent with my elliptical workouts.. 3-5 times per week! Which is a great step for me.. I'm not going to jump in way over my head and do 5-7 days a week, because I feel that if I did I would just be setting myself up for failure. I know I couldn't commit to that. Just the idea of it makes me sick. But feeling as energetic , happy, and as good as I have lately, I just get 'in the mood' to work out like every other day. And I am confident that as time goes on, I will want to do it more and more and more!! Pray for me! :)

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