Wednesday, November 20, 2013

MEASUREMENTS & Being in a slump!!

I am in SUCH a slump with my working out!! I didn't believe the nutritionist when he said I would probably start to slow things down this time of year. I figured, No way.... I started working out in February when we still had snow... I'll totally keep up my pace when we get snow and cold weather again. And here I have only been working out 2 to 3 times a week for the past month! It started out with me having a really bad cold for about a week, and then I just never got as motivated since then.

The thing of it is, there's a lot of reasons or excuses, as to why I haven't been working out.
Working is NOT one of them. All summer I worked full time hours and still made time to work out almost daily.

During the school year I work part time hours. So, that's not an excuse at all.

* One of my reasons, to be flat out honest is..... I TOTALLY enjoy just relaxing with my family during the very very rare free time we have.

* Another reason, is that we are super busy, especially as soon as they get home from school.. Most days when the kids get home from school, they have time to do their homework and have a quick snack, then we have to get to the rink for skating or hockey. Once we're home, it's late and I have time to give them showers quick, make dinner, and get them to bed. And by that time, I'm pretty pooped myself.

* Despite being exhausted, the strange thing is that the past few days I have had ZERO luck sleeping. I think I slept a total of 7-8 hours in the past 3 nights. So I have been just a little irritable and tired. Yet, I've been spending my time when the kids are in school doing chores and running errands since there is ZERO time for any of that once they're home. I'm pretty sure that once I get my butt down stairs to work out I will sleep easier at night. I'm thinking maybe the lack of exercise is what's preventing me from being able to fall asleep as well.

Well, I don't know. Those are the reasons I'm not working out. I guess they can be looked at as excuses. I should MAKE time. But it's hard when I literally have no time except when they're in school, and even then it's like " OMG I have so much to do before they get home and we're busy for the rest of the day!". So, it's hard. But I do intend to find a way to figure it out and get  back to it.

Today I am not bringing the kids to open skating after school. They have gone almost every day for 2 weeks now, so I'm declaring it a 'stay at home' night. I'm planning to nap while they're in school, so when they get home I can slam some coffee and hit the elliptical. I am far too tired and crabby to care much about working out at this second.

I Should really nix my cleaning and errands when they're in school and work out instead.... I've done it before! lol.. only problem is, it's nice to have clean dishes and clothes. They don't make too much of a mess otherwise, but the dishes and the clothes pile up fast! :/

If anyone has any good tips or advice on how to re=motivate myself, and find/ make time that don't involve neglecting my kids or my house... PLEASE share!!!!!!

I almost forgot... I need to do my measurements!!!!!! :( I am SO not looking forward to this. The last time I took measurements was September 27th. I lost 6 pounds since then, but am not feeling super confident about my measurements with all of the slacking I've done this month!


weight: 211

Waist: 37.5"

Hips: 48"

Neck:: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"

Upper Arm: 13"

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17"

Mid thigh: 21"

Upper thigh: 26"

Body fat %: 49.16%


Current Weight 205

Waist:  36.5"

Hips :  46"

Neck: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"

Upper Arm: 13"

Calf : 17"

Mid thigh: 21"

Upper Thigh: 25.5"

Body fat %: 46.12 %

So, my body fat % has gone down 3% and I've lost 6 pounds in just under 2  months. Not very happy with that! I'm glad it's going in the right direction, but those 6 pounds I lost happened all in a 2 week period and right after that I was really sick for a week, and never got motivated to get back to it full force. I just need to figure out how I can make time. Step #1 as I found out the hard way once before, is getting enough sleep so I'm not tired the entire next day. So, I am going to get in a nap right now, Joe is going to get the kids from school at 3, and then I'm going to stay home with them tonight so I can make sure to get my hour elliptical work out in, and my laundry folded. IN THAT ORDER! lol... Also going to do some weight training stuff here. I really need to get a gym membership too. A couple of girls I know suggested that we all get memberships and make time to go, and I cannot wait for that! I'll feel a lot more comfortable going with other people rather than just walking into a new place by myself. Then once I'm comfortable going I'll most likely be more comfortable to go alone.

Either way, I really NEED to kick it in to high gear if I want to make my goal of being under 200 for the New Year. I would be so annoyed if I didn't meet that goal..

That's all for now!! And again, please.. if you have any tips on time management or how to stay  motivated, please pass them on!!! :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Back after a break!

It has been a couple weeks or so since I posted last... I was SO sick for at least a week and it was horrible. I would wake up with a pounding headache, a burning throat, runny nose, you name it. I didn't want to leave my bed! So for about 7-8 days I didn't work out AT ALL. Then that Saturday I worked out... then didn't for a couple days .. then did one day.. then didn't for a few more days... lol.

So, in the past 2 weeks roughly I've gotten in about 3 workouts. I don't feel bad about it because I was sick and there was no way I was going to do it. Plus I've been eating well, and that's a huge factor.

There was a few days though where I was feeling really guilty, and feeling like I had ruined all I had worked for... feeling a little depressed, etc. But I got over that. You have to forgive yourself and be realistic and understand the fact that sometimes your body just needs a  little break. So, the night before last I got in a workout, then I set my alarm for 5:30a.m. and worked out again before work yesterday. That felt AMAZING! Today I am off, and don't have anything at all going on other than bringing the kids to open skating later, so I plan on getting my work out in shortly after I finish this blog.. Getting back on track makes my mind & body both feel so great that I could never foresee quitting this for good. It's a lifestyle change for sure.

The elliptical workouts do feel a bit redundant and repetitive sometimes. I have snowshoes and plan on using them this winter. I am for SURE going to be taking the kids to the little ski hill to go sledding this winter as well! It is a phenomenal work out walking up & down that huge hill and it's super fun, which is obviously a huge bonus! lol.. I cannot WAIT for the snow to accrue so I can get sledding...

We've been ungodly busy lately, too. I have been busy with a few different organizations I'm involved in, and the kids have started figure skating and hockey this week. We will be spending a majority of our days each week at the ice rinks, which is good and fun.... but time consuming. I am hoping to get a pair of skates so I can skate too but I am a little nervous.. it has been at least 15 years I think since I skated last. But I'd love to get back into it! It'd be a great workout too.

I am holding off on my measurements for now. I typically measure and post my weight around the 27th of each month.  I had lost that 6 pounds in 2 weeks just before getting sick, and I should have taken my measurements then! hahah.. but I didn't. So, although I know I didn't ruin my progress by taking that bit of time off, I am just going to wait another week or two before taking measurements again.

One thing that has helped me feel motivated is people coming up to me and asking me how I'm losing weight. They kind of act like I'm losing an immense amount and it's baffling to see how they act about it, but I still don't see a  huge drastic change when I look in the mirror. I do see it when I'm trying on clothes though! The other day I went to JcPenney and tried a few things on and was SO HAPPY with how everything fit and how my reflection looked. Before starting all this I was starting to hate shopping because I hated the mirrors that showed every angle. hahah... I am hoping that by next spring/ summer I will be TOTALLY  ready for a new wardrobe!!! Exciting!!!

Aside from the sicknes, and my slacking off I don't have much else to report! I haven't been physically keeping track of each thing I eat on my 'my fitness plan' app either while I've been slacking. BUT I have been writing most things down and keeping track mentally. I do need to get back to tracking it on my app though because of course it's much more accurate. A few unaccounted  for calories can  make all the difference in how fast I'm losing.

I imagine the next blog I post will be my measurements and weight blog post around the 20th or so, unless something unexpected or exciting happens between now and then. In the meantime I'm going to devote my extra time to working out and tracking those cals. :)