Sunday, December 23, 2012

Today is Sunday December 23rd. I weighed in on Friday, at 239. Which is fine. I feel very confident that I ate well last week, and watched my portions very closely. I really need to start incorporating exercise, but I'm allowing myself to wait until after Christmas. I took one Stacker Friday, but haven't taken any yesterday or today yet. Although I just ate breakfast and do plan to take them today. I haven't really watched super closely w hat I've aten this weekend, but I definitely didn't go crazy. Even when I tried to , aka had pizza... I was full pretty fast. So, all in all things are going great !

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Self Control!!!!!! =]

Holly has been over visiting since Sunday, and is staying until next Sunday. I am so happy! It has obviously been a challenge for me, sticking to my diet when I have company around. But I've been doing it!! For example, it's 10:51 on Wednesday night, and I am soo hungry. All I ate today; for breakfast I did have a bacon egg and cheese bagel sandwich.... but after that, I had a cucumber sandwich and that's it! I'm so proud! I admittedly just went and made about 20 pizza rolls, fully intending to eat them. However, I reminded myself that there's like 700+calories in that plate full.... so I had a glass of ice water with a crystal light cherry pomegranate flavor pack in it instead. So proud!!! I admired my belly in the reflection of the kitchen window, and then in the full length mirror by the front door... and realized that my belly is quite noticeably getting smaller... and that was motivation enough!!! Having a normal person belly will be much more satisfying than stuffing fatty food crap in my face. Please guide me and help me to consciously make the right decisions, Lord!!!!!!!!! I need this!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday #2!

So I weighed myself again this morning since it's Friday, and the scale says 242... trying not to look at my previous post because I think that's more than I posted last time and I'm afraid to look! LOL... I've been doing great though with NOT over eating, I've had tons of energy, been in a great, and hopeful mood.. which is going to help this process a LOT! I have been taking stackers for just under 2 weeks now, and my house is cleaner, my mind is more focused, I get bored doing mundane things like Facebooking, and I decided this morning that I am ready mentally to start doing some exercising and setting up a routine for myself! I feel my clothes fitting slightly better somehow, and it feels great to feel great! I am already a confident, attractive person and I cannot WAIT to get back to feeling like I'm on top of the world, like I used to feel before I had the kids! I adore them and wouldn't change my past for anything...but now it's time to change my future!!! :)

Friday, December 7, 2012


Today is the first Friday I am weighing in. I started taking 'Stacker 3 XPLC' on Tuesday December 4th. I weighed myself this morning, and I weigh 234 pounds. I am very excited to see how things go. Thus far, I have definitely noticed that I can't finish my food, I have no appetite! Which is great! I feel very hungry about every 1.5 hours, and make it a point to eat something healthy and tell myself I can have something junky later... and by the time I have some healthy stuff I am no longer hungry for junk! Plus, everytime I think of eating junk when I get hungry, I remind myself how important it is to me to be healthy again and to get to a healthy weight! I'm not asking or expecting this pill to get me in fantastic shape.. I'd just like it to help me lose maybe 50 pounds, so I can move around better and perhaps start jogging & what not. This week I've been working, and I walk alot at work.. plus I've had so much energy that I clean and keep active when I'm at home, too. So I haven't done any extra exercise.. but I fully intend to on my days off of work. On the first day I took 1 pill, and since then I've taken 2 a day. One after breakfast, and one after lunch. I eat dinner around 5-6 pm so I haven't taken them after dinner. I do like to get my sleep, and I know I need it. I've been drinking tons of water and crystal light, not only because it's great for me- but because I have been VERY thirsty. I hear that these pills make you thirsty.. which is perfect. :) I haven't drank any caffeine at all, because I know that the pills have a ton of caffeine & what not, so I haven't chanced it.. OH I lied.. I just remembered a couple days ago I had a coke around 3pm, but it didn't affect my sleep. :) I will keep posting every single Friday! If I see some decent results, I may keep taking these! However if I'm not happy with the results I see after a few weeks or even the whole bottle.. I won't be buying any more. Wish me luck and good health!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Friday morning check-ins!

Starting this week, I will be doing Friday morning weigh-ins!!! I'm very excited about it... I think it will really make me think about what I'm eating, how active I'm being, etc. Today I bought some Stacker 3's, XPLC's. I am really hoping that they help boost my metabolism and get the ball rolling...because in the past when I've had a boost, it really also boosts my confidence which makes me even more dedicated and results in me having alot more faith in myself. So, fingers crossed! Considering today is Monday, I'm going to finish out the rest of this week eating well, and trying to incorporate some exercise. No reason not to! Then on Friday I will blog about the week, and post my current weight. Each Friday I will blog here. As far as the Stackers, I've read some horror stories about them.. and some success stories. So I'm really unsure of what to expect. I'm really quite sensitive to caffeine, so according to what I've read these may not be a great thing for me.. just have to remind myself not to drink /consume caffeine from any other sources AND to refrain from taking these on days I drink alcohol. Hopefully they won't mess up my body or my already wishy-washy liver. Anywho- wish me luck!!!!!!!! :)