Friday, December 7, 2012


Today is the first Friday I am weighing in. I started taking 'Stacker 3 XPLC' on Tuesday December 4th. I weighed myself this morning, and I weigh 234 pounds. I am very excited to see how things go. Thus far, I have definitely noticed that I can't finish my food, I have no appetite! Which is great! I feel very hungry about every 1.5 hours, and make it a point to eat something healthy and tell myself I can have something junky later... and by the time I have some healthy stuff I am no longer hungry for junk! Plus, everytime I think of eating junk when I get hungry, I remind myself how important it is to me to be healthy again and to get to a healthy weight! I'm not asking or expecting this pill to get me in fantastic shape.. I'd just like it to help me lose maybe 50 pounds, so I can move around better and perhaps start jogging & what not. This week I've been working, and I walk alot at work.. plus I've had so much energy that I clean and keep active when I'm at home, too. So I haven't done any extra exercise.. but I fully intend to on my days off of work. On the first day I took 1 pill, and since then I've taken 2 a day. One after breakfast, and one after lunch. I eat dinner around 5-6 pm so I haven't taken them after dinner. I do like to get my sleep, and I know I need it. I've been drinking tons of water and crystal light, not only because it's great for me- but because I have been VERY thirsty. I hear that these pills make you thirsty.. which is perfect. :) I haven't drank any caffeine at all, because I know that the pills have a ton of caffeine & what not, so I haven't chanced it.. OH I lied.. I just remembered a couple days ago I had a coke around 3pm, but it didn't affect my sleep. :) I will keep posting every single Friday! If I see some decent results, I may keep taking these! However if I'm not happy with the results I see after a few weeks or even the whole bottle.. I won't be buying any more. Wish me luck and good health!!!

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