Wednesday, June 26, 2013

221!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/26/13

Well, the scale has been consistently saying 221 for a few days now, so I'm going with it!!! The reason I am extra excited about this, is because it means that when I lose 6 more pounds.... I will have officially lost 30 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I realize it has been just over a month since I've done measurements, so here goes!

This is what my measurements and weight were on 5/19/13::

Current Weight: 226

Waist: 42

Hips: 50

Neck: 15

Forearm [over birthmark]: 11

Upper arm: 13.5

Calf [ an inch or 2 below knee; widest part] : 18.25

Mid thigh: 25.5

Upper Thigh: 28.5

My body fat % is 54.41.... one month ago it was 55.32 according to


^ That's all last months stuff. Here's what it says today:

Current weight: 221

Waist: 40.75

Hips: 49.75

Neck: 15

Forearm over birthmark: 10.75

Upper Arm: 13.75

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17.5

mid thigh: 24

Upper thigh: 27

Body fat %: 53.02

Yay!!! Well, I've lost roughly 5 pounds per month so far. I'm SO happy with that! The numbers aren't drastically going down, but they are consistently going down... and that is what makes me happy!!! My body fat percentage has gone down 10% since starting all this! I couldn't be happier with that! It's only been 5 months!!!! If I keep this up, I will be down 50 pounds total in a year. I'm okay with that! And hopefully as the weight falls off, it gets easier and easier to be active. :) Now, all I need is a bowflex!!!!!!!!!!! [ I wish!!]

Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Haze ! :/

Welll, now that summer is here, I've spent a lot of time soaking up the sun, at the beach and the pool. And when I'm not doing that, I've been cleaning. Yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes on the elliptical.. it's just been so hot, so sunny, and way too nice ! Then by the time I get in the house it's like 10, and getting the kids to bed, it's later than that! Then, I've been going to bed early because I've been working alot too! I've been trying to watch what I eat at least, and I've been doing okay, but need to do better starting today. Still drinking tons of water and green tea. My weight is still lingering around 222-225, ,it flip flops day to day. but I'm calling it 222. lol.. when people ask, I tell them I lost 25 pounds. It's only about a week and a half until the 4th , and I'd like to be at 215 by then, if I possibly can. Because one of my goals was to lose 30 pounds by the 4th. I'm very close! I just need to kick it into high gear and stop messin' around! I can enjoy the summer, and still work out too! Please Lord help me, give me the will power and strength of mind to push my body to be healthy, so that I may be the best mother and wife possible, and so I may live a long healthy happy life with my loves!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

222 lbs!!!!!!!!! 6/16

Welp, lately I've just been doin' my thang! Working out! On days I am super tired, I opt for sleep because I know sleep is also super important! Been consuming protein regularly, supplemented with veggies and whole grains!Feeling great! It's not at all hard anymore, just a way of life! I still get to eat a bit of what I want, whatever it is I want, Since I work out so much. It also helps with my mood. lol.. well for the past month I was intermittent with my working out, and eating a bit more junk than usual but still lost a pound. I was just glad I didn't gain anything. But now that I've been back at it for a week I lost a few more pounds from where I had been. I am so excited to get down to the 220 mark, because that will mean I've lost 25 pounds!!!!!!!! And I will be over halfway, to being below 200 pounds!!!!!! I can SO do this!! Then I'll just have about another 30-60 pounds to go. After that 30 I will feel super happy with where I'm at, but will continue working to be my ideal body weight, which is 140. Then beyond there, we shall see!!!!! <3 Thanks Lord for the strength and will power to do what I need to do! <3

Saturday, June 15, 2013

223!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6/15

I know it's ONLY another pound, but I'm excited!!! I measured in at 224 one day and ran with it, I was so excited!! But it has fluctuated from that to 226 for the past week or so, and I was in a bit of a lull for a while there. Hardly workd out, but I did watch most of what I ate.

SO that is why I'm both excited, and shocked, that I'm 223!!!!!!!!

Only 3 more pounds to go until I have officially lost 25 pounds!!!!!! EEEEEEEEK! :)

Got in a pilates/ arm/ leg/ crunches workout this morning, but then I had some piza and ice cream today. So, I'm going to do my hour on the elliptical yet before I go to bed. Trying to find motivation. But I know once I hop on the elliptical It'll be a breeze. It's just getting on it. LOL. :)

Looking in the mirror has been fantastic, I might add! I wore jeans today that I haven't worn in probably over a year!!!!!!!!

Plus, I can visibly see how I'm getting smaller. My face is looking better. :) Pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Thank you God for being my rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!