Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Haze ! :/

Welll, now that summer is here, I've spent a lot of time soaking up the sun, at the beach and the pool. And when I'm not doing that, I've been cleaning. Yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes on the elliptical.. it's just been so hot, so sunny, and way too nice ! Then by the time I get in the house it's like 10, and getting the kids to bed, it's later than that! Then, I've been going to bed early because I've been working alot too! I've been trying to watch what I eat at least, and I've been doing okay, but need to do better starting today. Still drinking tons of water and green tea. My weight is still lingering around 222-225, ,it flip flops day to day. but I'm calling it 222. lol.. when people ask, I tell them I lost 25 pounds. It's only about a week and a half until the 4th , and I'd like to be at 215 by then, if I possibly can. Because one of my goals was to lose 30 pounds by the 4th. I'm very close! I just need to kick it into high gear and stop messin' around! I can enjoy the summer, and still work out too! Please Lord help me, give me the will power and strength of mind to push my body to be healthy, so that I may be the best mother and wife possible, and so I may live a long healthy happy life with my loves!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

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