Sunday, June 16, 2013

222 lbs!!!!!!!!! 6/16

Welp, lately I've just been doin' my thang! Working out! On days I am super tired, I opt for sleep because I know sleep is also super important! Been consuming protein regularly, supplemented with veggies and whole grains!Feeling great! It's not at all hard anymore, just a way of life! I still get to eat a bit of what I want, whatever it is I want, Since I work out so much. It also helps with my mood. lol.. well for the past month I was intermittent with my working out, and eating a bit more junk than usual but still lost a pound. I was just glad I didn't gain anything. But now that I've been back at it for a week I lost a few more pounds from where I had been. I am so excited to get down to the 220 mark, because that will mean I've lost 25 pounds!!!!!!!! And I will be over halfway, to being below 200 pounds!!!!!! I can SO do this!! Then I'll just have about another 30-60 pounds to go. After that 30 I will feel super happy with where I'm at, but will continue working to be my ideal body weight, which is 140. Then beyond there, we shall see!!!!! <3 Thanks Lord for the strength and will power to do what I need to do! <3

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