Tuesday, May 28, 2013


1. Look up the stride length of your elliptical. This information can be found by referring to your elliptical's user manual. If you no longer have the user manual for your equipment, or you are working out in the gym, you can also find this information by looking up the elliptical online. An easy way to do this is to search by the machine's model number. As a last resort, or if your elliptical's stride is adjustable, you can measure the length of a stride by measuring the distance between the peddles when the elliptical is fully expanded.

2. Calculate the number of strides in a mile. For example, if you discovered your elliptical has a 21 inch stride in Step 1, then divide the number of inches in one mile (63,360) by the number of inches in one stride (21). In this example, there would be just over three thousand strides in one mile.

3. Divide the number of strides or revolutions displayed on your elliptical by the number you calculated in Step 2. This is mileage of your workout session on the elliptical. For example, for a stride length of 21 inches, if you performed 300 strides, then you would have traveled one-tenth of a mile.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

WOOOP! 224..... 5/26

Well,I got in my hour workout last night.

Weighed in this morning, and I am officially 224!!!!! 21 pounds down from when I started!!!!! 2 pounds down from 1 week ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cannot WAIT for the day when that number is 30 pounds down!

Then 40!!



:D :D

Friday, May 24, 2013

Weak week!!

I haven't worked out in about 4 days now.. :S
I don't really feel bad, I've been eating good and I have been weighing in and am not gaining. Plus my clothes actually feel looser, strangely! lol.

I've just been a bit stressed and busy, so I haven't forced myself to squeeze in a workout.

I intend to tomorrow though, I do believe it will help me feel less stressed out. I need that.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Back on the daily! 5/20

I am going to get back to making it a point to try and post every single day.

This morning when I woke up I was still feeling the past few days workouts. I was also hungry.

I had

a serving of raisin bran with nonfat milk

2 eggs fried up with 5 mini bell peppers and crushed red pepper

Then Joe left for work. I played a bit of Candy Crush Saga, and Silvana wanted me to paint her nails. So, I painted her toenails and fingernails very adorably! Then she found the can of purple hair spray for halloween that I had in my box of nail polishing supplies. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted her hair to be purple, but then decided that she'd LOVE it, and we came to the agreement that I'd put 2 thick stripes of purple in her hair. So I did, and I must say it's adorable!

After that, she wanted to play a computer game, so I took that time to get in my hour long elliptical workout....840 calories bite the dust! :)

After my workout,

I had

an 8 inch whole grain tortilla with 2 tbsp of hummus, and 8 slices of jalapeno, and a good 1-2 cups of spinach. YUMMO!

I also had

6 oz of milk with 1 scoop of Whey Protein

I am totally feeling satisfied right now, and my muscles dn't hurt a bit! I am sleepy, though. Silvana is currently napping, but I won't really have time to nap today so I am going to hop in the shower, prepare myself for the day, then get dishes going & straighten up the living room. When Deslin gets home I'm going to help them clean their room, then at 4:30 we will walk to the ball field for their tball practice. It'll get done around 6. Then I will bring them up to my dads, or go pick up my brother, and hopefully have time to cook them some dinner before I go to my work meeting from 7-8. After that, I'll come home, get them fed if I hadn't already, and then get them ready for bed by 9-9:30ish. I'm glad I got my workout in when I did, I originally thought I'd have time to do it tonight after my meeting but that would've been cutting it close. Plus I need to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight because I work at 8a.m. tomorrow.

That's all for now, folks! :P

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Measurements::: 5/19/13

Current Weight: 226

Waist: 42

Hips: 50

Neck: 15

Forearm [over birthmark]: 11

Upper arm: 13.5

Calf [ an inch or 2 below knee; widest part] : 18.25

Mid thigh: 25.5

Upper Thigh: 28.5

My body fat % is 54.41.... one month ago it was 55.32 according to livestrong.com

Not a HUGE difference in this past month, but my weight is definitely different! I was 232 this date last month according to my post. So I have lost 6 pounds. It's not a ton of weight for a whole month, but as I see it.. it's realistic. And it's a HUGE improvement! Progress is progress! What does confuse me though is how I can lose pounds, but not much for inches. Hmmm!

226 5/19/13

As of this morning the scale reads 226 pounds!!! I have lost yet another pound. It is my short term goal to be below 200 pounds. That will feel AMAZING! I started out at 245, so when I am 222 I will be about halfway there!! Only 4 more pounds until I am halfway to my goal! After I am under 200 pounds, my REAL end goal will be to be 140-150ish. THAT... will feel fantastic. It has officially been 7 years since I've weighed that much... and almost as long since I weighed under 200 pounds. I just got in my Takeya Acraglass pitcher so I will be drinking my green tea much more regularly again. I had taken about a week off where I didn't drink as much, because I've heard bad things about brewing hot tea in a plastic pitcher. So now I can get back on that bandwagon. Also, my Whey Protein mix came in! So I will be incorporating that now, too. Last night I worked out for an hour, then had a glass of nonfat milk with protein added.

This morning I had half a cup of granola with skim milk, and am going to drink my morning coffee then get my workout in, followed by a protein drink. I'm not sure yet if I'll just have milk, or make a smoothie with coconut milk and blueberries. That sounds yummy.

Also it was almost exactly a month ago when I last took measurements, so I will be doing that later on today, too. :)

Thank you Lord for my life and those in it!! And thank you for continuously showing me I am stronger than I ever thought! <3

Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/2013 Down 18 lbs total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately I have not been counting each calorie. I found that the few weeks I did so, I was not losing a thing, and I was left feeling so hungry. A lose-lose. I didn't see any benefits arising healthwise or in any way, doing that. So, I went back to doing what I did from the beginning.Eating healthy. I also have been getting an hour of cardio 5-6 days a week, then doing my extra workouts most days, which include crunches/ab workouts one day, arm workouts another day, and let/butt workouts another day. I also make time to work on my back. So today I weighed in... and the scale read 227. FINALLY under 230!! This is what I've really been waiting for and looking forward to. So total I have lost 18 pounds!!!! That may mot seem like much but it's almost 20... and if my original goal was to lose 100lbs, that would mean I am 1/5 of the way there!! Exciting :)

I'm outside on the patio right now, but when I go in I think I'm going to do some updated measurements so I can physically see how well I am doing. For 2-3 weeks here, I wasn't losing a pound and that was hard to deal with, especially since I felt I was doing everything 'right'. Seeing the 3lb drop today was encouraging! :) Actually, scratch that. I just checked and the last time I measured in was on April 19th, so I may as well wait another 9 days until it is exactly 1 month difference. :)

Basically as far as eating goes, I've been avoiding junk food, greasy food, huge meals, etc. I don't worry so much about calories. What I do is I eat something in the morning before I work out, and then I eat something afterwards because I'm usually starving by then. Then as the day goes on, I'm typically hungry every 3 hours or so, and I just make sure I eat healthy stuff, fruits, veggies, whole grains and plenty of water and green tea. I can still eat a little bit of what I crave, just a very small portion. :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Doing Okay; Sunday=1 hour elliptical/ 3 minutes arms.

I've been doing amazingly! Today is Monday 5/6/13. On Friday I weighed in at 230.2. Then I didn't get a workout in on Saturday, had a reuben and fries at hudsons, and then Sunday I had some pizza but I did work out again.

My goal is just to get under 230 by the end of the week. That's my short term goal. Breaking this 230 mark is driving me nuts!!! Lord keep me strong and guide me please <3