Tuesday, May 28, 2013


1. Look up the stride length of your elliptical. This information can be found by referring to your elliptical's user manual. If you no longer have the user manual for your equipment, or you are working out in the gym, you can also find this information by looking up the elliptical online. An easy way to do this is to search by the machine's model number. As a last resort, or if your elliptical's stride is adjustable, you can measure the length of a stride by measuring the distance between the peddles when the elliptical is fully expanded.

2. Calculate the number of strides in a mile. For example, if you discovered your elliptical has a 21 inch stride in Step 1, then divide the number of inches in one mile (63,360) by the number of inches in one stride (21). In this example, there would be just over three thousand strides in one mile.

3. Divide the number of strides or revolutions displayed on your elliptical by the number you calculated in Step 2. This is mileage of your workout session on the elliptical. For example, for a stride length of 21 inches, if you performed 300 strides, then you would have traveled one-tenth of a mile.

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