Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/2013 Down 18 lbs total!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lately I have not been counting each calorie. I found that the few weeks I did so, I was not losing a thing, and I was left feeling so hungry. A lose-lose. I didn't see any benefits arising healthwise or in any way, doing that. So, I went back to doing what I did from the beginning.Eating healthy. I also have been getting an hour of cardio 5-6 days a week, then doing my extra workouts most days, which include crunches/ab workouts one day, arm workouts another day, and let/butt workouts another day. I also make time to work on my back. So today I weighed in... and the scale read 227. FINALLY under 230!! This is what I've really been waiting for and looking forward to. So total I have lost 18 pounds!!!! That may mot seem like much but it's almost 20... and if my original goal was to lose 100lbs, that would mean I am 1/5 of the way there!! Exciting :)

I'm outside on the patio right now, but when I go in I think I'm going to do some updated measurements so I can physically see how well I am doing. For 2-3 weeks here, I wasn't losing a pound and that was hard to deal with, especially since I felt I was doing everything 'right'. Seeing the 3lb drop today was encouraging! :) Actually, scratch that. I just checked and the last time I measured in was on April 19th, so I may as well wait another 9 days until it is exactly 1 month difference. :)

Basically as far as eating goes, I've been avoiding junk food, greasy food, huge meals, etc. I don't worry so much about calories. What I do is I eat something in the morning before I work out, and then I eat something afterwards because I'm usually starving by then. Then as the day goes on, I'm typically hungry every 3 hours or so, and I just make sure I eat healthy stuff, fruits, veggies, whole grains and plenty of water and green tea. I can still eat a little bit of what I crave, just a very small portion. :)

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