Monday, May 20, 2013

Back on the daily! 5/20

I am going to get back to making it a point to try and post every single day.

This morning when I woke up I was still feeling the past few days workouts. I was also hungry.

I had

a serving of raisin bran with nonfat milk

2 eggs fried up with 5 mini bell peppers and crushed red pepper

Then Joe left for work. I played a bit of Candy Crush Saga, and Silvana wanted me to paint her nails. So, I painted her toenails and fingernails very adorably! Then she found the can of purple hair spray for halloween that I had in my box of nail polishing supplies. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted her hair to be purple, but then decided that she'd LOVE it, and we came to the agreement that I'd put 2 thick stripes of purple in her hair. So I did, and I must say it's adorable!

After that, she wanted to play a computer game, so I took that time to get in my hour long elliptical workout....840 calories bite the dust! :)

After my workout,

I had

an 8 inch whole grain tortilla with 2 tbsp of hummus, and 8 slices of jalapeno, and a good 1-2 cups of spinach. YUMMO!

I also had

6 oz of milk with 1 scoop of Whey Protein

I am totally feeling satisfied right now, and my muscles dn't hurt a bit! I am sleepy, though. Silvana is currently napping, but I won't really have time to nap today so I am going to hop in the shower, prepare myself for the day, then get dishes going & straighten up the living room. When Deslin gets home I'm going to help them clean their room, then at 4:30 we will walk to the ball field for their tball practice. It'll get done around 6. Then I will bring them up to my dads, or go pick up my brother, and hopefully have time to cook them some dinner before I go to my work meeting from 7-8. After that, I'll come home, get them fed if I hadn't already, and then get them ready for bed by 9-9:30ish. I'm glad I got my workout in when I did, I originally thought I'd have time to do it tonight after my meeting but that would've been cutting it close. Plus I need to get to sleep at a decent hour tonight because I work at 8a.m. tomorrow.

That's all for now, folks! :P

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