Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/4 - To have confidence!!

Yesterday I ate really well, no junk at ALL, and 1200-1300 calories. I felt so great! I also got in my hour on the elliptical.

Today was Deslins first day back to school! Joe and I got up early, woke him up , made him breakfast and packed his lunch. Then we woke up Silvana and we all drove Deslin to school, and walked him to his class!  He seemed really relaxed and happy to be back. He loves school! He kept saying, " The first day is the best day!" lol.

When we had gotten him all settled in to his class, Joe and I decided to go get some Subway breakfast. YUM.

I had:::
Egg white flat bread [ I DID have some bacon, too......] with spinach, onions, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, and........ of course, pepper! Then when we got home I put a ton of crushed red pepper on it. THE BEST. I had half of it for breakfast, and half of it later for lunch.

Neither of the kids are sub eaters, so Silvana had a cut up banana with sprinkled cheese on it when we got home. She eats THE WEIRDEST things ever! Deslin is pretty bland and normal when it comes to his food. Some of his favorite things [other than fruit & veggies] are brown rice,shredded wheat, oatmeal, and whole grain noodles with just some sprinkle cheese on them. However, when he was around a year or so old, and we put food on his high chair table.. he would put it ALL in his glass of milk, and then drink it. :S It was always so gross, but he loved it so I didn't question it! haha

 Silvana's open house was from 11-2pm. She had a blast and built a bunch of stuff with blocks while we were there, and was having so much fun she didn't want to leave! They also had food there, and she ate a hot dog, grapes, and cantaloupe. I just had some cantaloupe, grapes, and cucumber.

After Deslin got home from school today he was SO happy at first. He came running up to us with a huge smile and hugged us, saying he had a GREAT day! I was so happy to hear it. However, through out the rest of the day he was just crabby as hell and pushing his limits. We had originally planned to go to the park, but decided he was clearly too tired and crabby to handle that today. We did end up taking them out for ice cream since the local ice cream shop is closing for the season in 2 days. I had a small oreo flurry. :S

For dinner, we made stroganoff and I had just a little of that, with crushed red pepper in it.

Once we got the kids to bed, Joe and I did an hour of WII fit. My muscles are ON FIRE! The routine we made consists of an hour of lunges, squats, leg lifts, jack knives, planks,  alll kinds of good muscle working workouts and some deep stretches. Feels so amazing!

We just got our showers in, and are heading to bed. I was called earlier this evening and asked to work tomorrow from 11am-7pm, and I almost said 'No" because I had today and tomorrow off with Joe, and wanted to spend time with him. But  what the hell. Why not? One day is almost $100 bucks so it's hard to say no. It adds up! :) Plus we get to spend a fair amount of time together most days anyway.

Tomorrow morning after I get Deslin off to school I'm going to hang with Silvana and get her ready for school and get some pictures of her before her first day. Then since I leave for work at 10:30 Joe will get pictures of her getting on her bus at 11:30 [ she only has half days this year.] . I do wish I could be here, but I'll be here to get her ready and get some pictures and chit chat with her beforehand. Besides, she is SO confident and ready... she has never been nervous about school. She came with me a lot to Deslins preschool to volunteer when she was a baby. I didn't work then so I was able to volunteer a lot, and I feel bad that I'm not able to as much with her. But, it'll be easier this year especially since she only has half days.

The other thing that has held me back in recent years as far as volunteering and what not, is sadly......the struggle with trying to find something to wear/ not feeling confident at ALL. I had a hell of a time trying to find something to wear sometimes when I would go to their school functions the last couple of years. My clothes were progressively getting a bit tighter,  and I just kind of got to a point where I just accepted that I felt like I looked like crap. It was hard! Today it felt SO amazing, to throw something on and have the first outfit I put on feel great. It fit right, and I felt like a 'normal' person.
 I guess I shouldn't use those words..  I don't mean to say people who are bigger aren't ' normal', but I am really hard on myself. I can look at people who are bigger, and think absolutely nothing at all negative about them. However, I'm much harder on myself without even always realizing it. I feel like I don't fit in because of the weight I've gained, sometimes. I just kind of gave up on a lot! But I must say, I have felt so much more confident lately, and I am really hoping it skyrockets from here!

 It felt amazing to not have to stress out and spend an hour trying to find an outfit for myself before I could walk Deslin to his class. It definitely makes me proud of how far I've come, and reminds me of one of the main reasons I started all of this in the first place.... to be a great role model for my babies, and to be there for them no matter what! I would hate to have health issues that would set me back, or set me apart from being an active person in their lives. I hate having to hesitate before doing something because I'm worried about how I look! I'm so glad I have stuck with it!!!!  I have a ways to go before I am where I want to be health wise, but I am very happy that now I can feel confident! I used to HATE being in pictures with the kids, or anyone at all.. and that really made me sad. I want to be in their memories, I want to be a part of things and not just the one taking the pictures of them having fun. I want to be next to them, having fun with them!!

                                                [ LOL... Silvana could have smiled! =P ]

Anyways, that is a [believe it or not] quick skim-through of what our day consisted of. I try to stick mainly to the facts that have something to do with what I've eaten/ and how I've worked out but I know I get off track sometimes! 

I plan to work out on the elliptical tomorrow night after I get home from work at 7pm...
That's all for now!! :)

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