Monday, September 16, 2013

Where I'm At; Where I've Been.

It's been quite a few days since I posted last!

Not much is new. I have been consistently getting my hour in every single day.

I had noticed that when I was eating 1500 calories, I was SO tired and lethargic that I could hardly muster up the strength to work out, or wake up in the morning. I just wanted to sleep! I did some research and according to a bunch of websites I found, my body currently needs 2780 calories to maintain it's weight... and a bare minimum of 1700 for my body to function. SO, seeing as I was only consuming 1500 and burning off almost 1000 most days, it's no wonder I was having constant headaches and constantly so tired!

So, I've upped my calorie intake and am still eating really healthy. If I'm craving something, I have a little bit. For example, Joe came to my work today to have lunch with me. I had a salad with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and turkey with ranch. He had beef stroganoff and a piece of chocolate cake. It was a smaller sized piece, and we split it. It totally took care of my chocolate craving.

Since upping my calories just a bit, I have been OWNING my workouts. I used to get about 850 calories burned during my hour on the elliptical, but now I am consistently getting 950-1000 calories burned in that hour. What has also been helping, is getting my workouts in early in the day as often as possible. On days I start work at 5-8am, I have no choice but to get my work out in after work. However on my days off or when I go in for 11-7, I make sure I get it done first thing after my morning coffee. It's been really great, since I have the most energy after my morning coffee, and then at night I can take my time getting the kids to bed instead of rushing them, and I can relax and read or watch a show with Joe or clean or whatever without having to stress about making time for my workout on top of being tired.

All in all, I have felt great!! Today I woke up an hour before my alarm went off, and was wide awake and in a great mood. I hopped out of bed and made some Whole Grain Cream of Wheat for us all before Deslin had to go to school and I had to go to work. Everyone liked it! I've always liked Cream of Wheat when I was younger but I for some odd reason never made it since having the kids.I figured they'd like it though, since they love oatmeal.

Anyways that's about all for now!!! I have an appointment with the nutritionist on Thursday and I'm excited to tell him what I've been doing, and listen to his suggestions!! I am down to follow ANY diet that will help me lose weight fastest! :) I'll update again after the meeting! :)

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