Friday, September 27, 2013


I am going to start this blog out, with my BEGINNING measurements. The first measurements I took during this entire process.

 Monday, January 28th I took the following measurements:::

[ I only tracked these few measurements at first, because these were the only ones I needed to use the body fat calculator]

Weight: 245

Waist 50"

Hips 56.5"

 Neck 16"

The website using the Body Fat Calculator.....66%. .

Click HERE to see the Body Fat Calculator I use!

LAST MONTHS Measurements are first::

August 27th, 2013:

Current Weight: 213   


Hips: 49"

Neck: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5

Upper Arm: 13.5"

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17.5"

Mid thigh: 21.5"

Upper thigh: 26.5"

Body fat %:  51.59


Current weight: 211

Waist: 37.5"

Hips: 48"

Neck:: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5"

Upper Arm: 13"

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17"

Mid thigh: 21"

Upper thigh: 26"

Body fat %: 49.16%

This means, that since February, I've lost:

34 pounds

12.5" in my waist

 7.5" in my hips

2" in my neck

16.84% Body Fat

I must say, I am SO shocked and happy to see the numbers from the beginning until now!! Over a FOOT lost in my waist!!?? That's insanity!! And my body fat percentage is AMAZING!! I still have so far to go, but progress IS progress!!!

Now......this past month,  I've only went down 2 pounds, 1.5" in my waist, 1 inch in my hips,  half an inch in my upper arm, my calves,  my mid thigh, and my upper thigh......

Doesn't impress me!! BUT I'm heading in the right direction at least... I am a bit frustrated because this month I have worked out 5-7 days a week consistently.... but I need to focus this month on getting more than just that hour a day. Also, I am confident that seeing the nutritionist is going to help. Just yesterday I dropped off my weeks worth of what I've eaten to him. He is going to review it and we have another meeting this upcoming week. I'm going to continue to log what I eat, so we can keep looking back at it. Up to this point, I've noticed that I've been eating 1700 calories consistently without even realizing it. I am going to take that down to 1500.

 At this point in the game, it's not just about self control as far as working out, or eating 'mostly' good... The working out at this point is a given. It's just a habit, a part of my day. The eating ' mostly good" is what I need to work on. I was happy to get this far by eating mostly good, yet allowing myself some junk into my daily calories, ,but now it's time to kick my eating habits into super healthy gear, and start knocking out some more pounds faster! He said his goal for me was to lose another 6 pounds between now and the new year.... in 3 months. I say, let's do at least ten. I know at this point in the game things slow down a bit as far as weight loss... but I'm determined to do everything ' right', to up the speed of this whole process.

The more I lose, the more energy I'm finding I have, and the more determination. When I only get my hour in, I feel frustrated that I didn't have time to do more! I think an hour on the elliptical is good, but I need to get more exercise from other sources.

If anyone who is big into health and fitness is reading this, PLEASE send me some advice!!! I wish they had a 'nutritionist' for working out... I guess that would be more like a personal trainer, right? I am lucky that I get to see the nutritionist for free through the tribe, but personal trainers are expensive! :/

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