Monday, September 2, 2013

9/2- Labor Day!

I haven't blogged in a few days because I have been SO BUSY! And haven't had much to say. Deslin's actual birthday was on the 28th, and his party was on the 31st. He had a great time both days, and got everything he wanted and more! :)

I ate a little worse than usual, yet remained within 1500 calories. On his beach party day I had a spinach and egg white sandwich with coconut oil for breakfast, then at his party I had 2 hot dogs and 2 cupcakes. I actually didn't tally up those calories..... that was all I ate that day, though. So, although I have cheated a bit, I'm glad I didn't go tooo crazy.

That being said, today I have been back on track. I added up all of my calories throughout the day and have had 1, 135 as of right now and considering it's 9pm, I won't be eating anything else. What I ate consisted of a LOT of veggies, some turkey a couple times throughout the day, and then a granola bar. I'm very happy that my calories alll came from healthy sources! :)

This morning when my alarm went off, it was 8:00 and in all honesty, I pretended not to hear it.. lol! Joe got up though, God bless him, and made us some coffee. He brought me a mug of it in bed.
After our coffee, we headed straight downstairs and started watching the movie "Erased" while we worked out. We got an hour into it by the time my workout was over. I had just enough time to shower then head to work.

Now tonight, we just got the kids to bed. I am going to do my new, hour long WII fit routine. Months ago I made a routine on there that was somewhat difficult for me. Now, that same routine is far too easy. So, I deleted the whole routine and made a new one last week, consisting of about 100 squats, 100 lunges, 100 side lunges, a few minutes of planks, etc, etc adding up to an hour. It's pretty intense and really works me out good! Plus it's really fun, in my eyes. The first time I did it last Tuesday, I was kind of sore the next day... and the next few nights my back would crack everytime I moved, but strangely it felt really good. lol...I must have needed an adjustment!

Well, Joe is off at the store buying milk so Deslin can have some at breakfast time. So I figured I had time to do my blog quick before he gets back and we start the WII fit routine together. I love the fact that we both love working out together. We have been talking about getting a gym membership at some point perhaps. I think it would especially benefit him, since what he mainly needs now is a lot of strength training. He currently weighs a few pounds less than he did in high school. He has lost over 80 pounds since he was at his heaviest when I was pregg with the kids. He definitely had gained sympathy weight! But I am SO proud of him for how far  he has come. And annoyingly, he hasn't even really tried much. Men, I tell ya! They have it so easy! :P

Anyways that's all for now. I'm excited to be getting in my 2nd workout for the day! As I've said before, when I first started working out in February it was a struggle to do my half hour elliptical workout a few times a week. It totally exhausted me! But now that I'm doing an hour long workout most days of the week, adding a second hour long workout each day has GOT to help me pick up the pace with this weight loss! Time shall tell, and I am excited to see what it has to say! ;)

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