Monday, September 23, 2013

Sleep = < 3

The past few days have been tiring ones! I'm thinking that stems from the fact that I went out for a few drinks on Saturday night... I'm getting too old for that! lol... I can feel my entire being , feeling drained for days afterwards. I just feel mentally and physically exhausted! The fact that I danced for hours that night may also play a part in that. I woke up the next morning with my legs feeling like I did a thousand squats the night before! I probably did, on the dance floor!! LOL ...... ohhh boy....

So, I last left off with my blog on Thursday. I consistently got in my workouts all last week. Saturday we had a fun day planned with the kids, but I DID get my hour on the elliptical in first.

Sunday, I worked 11-7 and did not make time to work out. 11-7 shifts take up a majority of the day, and while I would typically work out in the morning on such a day, I made the executive decision that sleep was a bit more important on that particular day.

Monday, today, I didn't work out either. I got a 'butt dial' phone call from my dad at 5a.m. as he was getting ready for work, and I had a heck of a time falling asleep after that. I was out of bed at 6:30 to get my brother and Deslin ready and off to school, and to then get myself to work from 8-4. Once I got home, I hurried to make dinner.

I made lasagna roll ups. The kids LOVE them, and they are super healthy! I'm not sure if I posted my recipe before, but here it is:

* Boil whole grain lasagna noodles
* Once they're done, run them under cool water, then put some olive oil on them
* Put a big spoonful of a nonfat cottage cheese mixed with chopped fresh spinach
* Roll up the lasagna noodle with the filling inside, and place in a casserole dish or baking pan
* Pour some tomato sauce over the top
* Bake on 400* for about half an hour

We like wholesome, simple, fast foods in this house! Nutritious, delicious, and easy. What more do you need?!

I was so hungry while I was cooking that I had a turkey and spinach sandwich. After the kids each ate 2 of the lasagna rolls, we went to Deslins flag football practice. When we got home at 7:30, they were hungry again after running around for an hour, so they each had 2 more., then brushed their teeth and got on their jammies, did homework, and went to bed... they were both clearly exhausted.

It has been a busy day. And I'm still feeling pretty drained from the other night.. well, that and the lack of sleep. UGH. Thank goodness we don't do that very often. I don't know how anyone survives who does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :S

After the kids went to bed around 8:30-9ish tonight,  I went on facebook for a bit, looked at some stuff on pinterest, gathered Deslins school clothes for tomorrow, etc.

Now it's 11:00 and I am just pooped. I wish I had worked out today, but I didn't. I could have made time instead of being online rfor an hour, but I didn't. I don't feel too bad, though..... I ate really healthy today and I can feel that I need rest! OH I also wore a pair of jeans today that haven't fit me right in a few years now..............and they look really good!!! SO excited about that. :)  It's like a whole new wardrobe is available to me, now that I fit things I haven't in a while!

I know that getting some good sleep tonight will better prepare me to not be so tired tomorrow, so I can get Deslin to school, then have breakfast/coffee, and then work out for at least an hour. But, I'm planning on getting at least 2 hours.....and then housework/ digging out my fall decor'.

Well, off to bed!!

It will be time for updated measurements within the next week!!!! Pray for me!! lol :)

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