Saturday, September 7, 2013

9/7 - Skipping a bit!

The past 3 days I have not worked out. I don't even feel bad about it, especially after weighing in today! :)

First off....the first couple days that this week rolls around each month, I am SO tired, and SO moody, and all I want to do is sleep. lol... Thankfully since taking much better care of myself, my muscle cramps have completely disappeared when they used to be debilitating. I crave chocolate just as much as before, but just a little chocolate satisfies that craving so it doesn't set me back with my goals. I have felt super bloated and tired and crabby though. Ugh!

So Wednesday, was Silvana's first day of school. I got her ready for school and took her pictures, and  unexpectedly was offered to work 11-7, so I did. It was SUCH a busy day at work! I ran pretty much the entire time I was there. I didn't even get my second break. Needless to say by the time I got home I was not caring about working out, I just really wanted to get to bed as soon as possible. I just felt so lethargic and crabby!

                                                         [ My beautiful little lady!! :)   ]

Thursday I also worked, but it was a much better day. Everything went very smoothly and all was good. Yet, I still didn't get my butt in gear and work out. I just didn't feel like it! We made homemade pizza with the kids, then we all walked down to the park for music in the park. The kids had a blast playing as usual, and we ran into some old friends there so it was a nice evening. After the park we walked past the football field, and the kids wanted to go to the Junior High game that was going on. So, we went and walked around the track/ field a few times and the kids ran around and played with their friends. Then I noticed it was 9:30 by that time, so we told them we needed to get going home. After they were all ready for bed it was already SO late, and I had to work again the next day so we all went to bed. I was really tired, too and my legs had STILL been sore from the WII fit workout Joe and I had done earlier in the week!

Yesterday, Friday, Joe and I got up with Deslin and got him off to school, then we had breakfast with Silvana and gave her a bath. Her grandma came to get her at 10:30 because Joe and I had to work at 11a.m. I was busy yesterday morning emailing Deslin's teacher about volunteering, calling the office about busing issues, and setting up doctors appointments for the kids and a meeting between myself and the superintendent at the school. Then by the time I got home from work at 7:30, I was pooped out again. It was another busy day, and although it went well I was just exhausted. My mother in law had fed the kids dinner, so around 8-9 I gave them a snack and we all got ready for bed , and climbed into my bed at around 9:30 and fell right asleep.Joe was to be home from work around 11pm.

I got a phone call at 11pm , and ended up heading to the ER with a family member after Joe got home from work. I stayed there until 3a.m., and then they had advised that someone stay with this person over night to keep an eye on them, so I did. I set my alarm for every half hour so I could get up and check on them. Around 7a.m. when they were about to be up for the day, and I could see all was well, I headed home and slept until Joe left for work again at 10:30am. So needless to say I have been pooped all day. The kids & I have 'quiet time' where there's no tv, video games, computer, etc for 3-4 hours [ at LEAST ] each day, and today Silvana ended up falling asleep and Deslin was looking at a book quietly, and I fell asleep on the couch for a few hours. It felt SO good. I woke up feeling really good except just kind of irritable.

I made lasagna roll ups for dinner, which are super healthy and the kids LOVE them. Here's how I do them:

* Boil 9 lasagna noodles
* Chop up about 2c fresh spinach, and mix it together with about 1-1.5 cups of nonfat cottage cheese.
* Once the noodles are done and rinsed under cool water, take one out at a time, and lay it flat.
* Put a heaping spoonful of the cottage cheese/ spinach mixture on one end of the noodle, and roll it up.
* Place in a glass baking dish
* Once all lasagna roll ups are dished up, pour some tomato sauce over, and bake covered at 350 for 20-30 minutes.

I had 3 of the rolls, Deslin had 2, and Silvana had 3. They LOVE them, and they're so healthy!

After dinner the kids just ran around playing and screaming and being crazy. lol...

I got them in bed by around 9:00. We plan on going to church tomorrow. It's the first day of Sunday School for this year. I am intending on getting my elliptical work out in tonight, because I just feel like my muscles are craving it, and I HATE going more than 3 days without a workout. Typically my rule is to never go 3 days without, but given how busy and tired I was this week I made an exception! As I said before, sleep is just as important in all of this! But I need to figure out a way to get my workout in around being busy, because during the school year, most days ARE busy.

The disheartening thing, was  I was dumb enough to weigh myself earlier this week and it showed I had gained a few pounds. I was so irritated, even though I knew in the back of my mind that it was water weight & what not going on. But I was irritated about it nonetheless. I was just irritated all around, though, at everyone and everything I think.

However, I wasn't so disheartened anymore when earlier today I weighed in again, and I had lost another pound from where I REALLY was last week! So I'm feeling great, because I haven't even worked out in 3 days! I have been watching what I'm eating as usual though, and drinking TONS and TONS of water.

Well, Joe is almost home and when he is we're heading downstairs to get in our workouts. I could easily just go crash out in bed again, because I'm still just feeling tired and annoyed. I don't even know why, and I guess it's not really for a reason it's just what happens, lol. But, the plan is to work out as of now. :)

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