Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Today I ONCE AGAIN didn't get up with my alarm. The kids & I got up at about 7:30, and did our chores. Then I had my toast/ peanut butter/ coconut oil for breakfast and they had cereal. I drank a ton of coffee and green tea, and water.

We had a light lunch, some fruit & veggies and crackers. Its just what sounded good to us all.

Then I could tell Silvana was getting sleepy, so we had 'quiet time' for about 2 hours. She napped, Deslin played quietly with some toys, and I read a few chapters in my book.

Afterwards we all went to my in-laws house for lasagna.

I had a piece of lasagna [which, I didn't feel like eating, just thinking of the cheese & what not.. but it was SO good and she invited us over so I did have a piece. ] It was good! I also had a piece of garlic toast, and a bowl of salad with fat free dressing. The kids had ice cream for dessert, but not me! :)

I KNOW my calorie count is under 1500 for today, probably under 1000.

After we visited for a few hours, we came home and the kids got their pajamas on and brushed their teeth and I got them ready for  bed. I just got done straightening up the house, organizing some stuff, and putting some things back in order. I also went through all of Deslin's pants, pajamas, socks, etc and got rid of all the stuff that is too small on him. His dresser drawers were hardly shutting and it drove me nuts! Then I did a couple loads of laundry. I'm going to do a few more loads tonight and then fold it all tomorrow night.
While the laundry is going, I'm going to get my workouts in. I have the WII fit all set up and my water ready. I'm going to do WII fit then some extra workouts after my hours of WII fit, such as squats/ leg lifts/ etc.  Not sure I'll do the elliptical tonight, definitely tomorrow, though.

Before I go, I'm going to do my measurements. So, here are last time's:::

The date was:

June 26, 2013. Exactly 2 months ago!

Current weight: 221

Waist: 40.75

Hips: 49.75

Neck: 15

Forearm over birthmark: 10.75

Upper Arm: 13.75

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17.5

mid thigh: 24

Upper thigh: 27

Body fat %: 53.02


August 27th, 2013:

Current Weight: 213    [ lost 8 pounds!]


Hips: 49"

Neck: 14"

Forearm over birthmark: 10.5

Upper Arm: 13.5"

Calf, an inch below the knee, widest part: 17.5"

Mid thigh: 21.5"

Upper thigh: 26.5"

Body fat %:  51.59

I'm okay with that I guess! I knew July was a really slow month, so I'm not too shocked that things weren't better... but progress is progress!! I could be going in the opposite direction, but I'm not. 

So the difference from June to August is::

-8 pounds
-1.75" in my waist

-.75" in my hips

- 1" in my neck

-.25" in my forearm

-.25" in upper arm

-2.5" in my mid-thighs

- .5" in my upper thighs

Body fat %   - 1.43%

Now it's time to get motivated & kick these numbers into high gear between now and the end of September!!!!!!!! I want to see way better results in 1 month, than I did the past 2 months!!! Praying for motivation and strength of mind to stick with my goals, so I can get the results I need!!! :)

Going RIGHT NOW to do my work outs, and drink a TON of water! Tomorrow is Deslin's birthday so we're going to be having fun and hanging out all day, and go for pizza & ice cream per his request for dinner! But I've decided I'm having salad, and no ice cream for me!!! :)

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