Monday, January 20, 2014

Feelin' the BURN!!

Today was my 3rd day lifting at the gym... and I've just gotta say....... I LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!

.Love ........LOVE it!!!!!!!

I'm sorry if that's annoyingly over-enthusiastic but I have honestly always been in awe of people who have been in great shape, and I am so committed to getting there!!!! It's super exciting to me! Obviously I am realistic, and I  realize that it isn't 'easy', and it isn't a fast process. That's fine with me.. I'm not going to get there at ALL by not doing weight training, so I am just thoroughly excited that I have finally begun this! Even if it takes me 5 years, I am doing this!!

A HUGE HUGE shout out to the most inspirational person I know right now, Tazia!! She has been teaching me the ropes, and showing me exactly what I need to do to whoop my a** into shape! I couldn't be more thankful...... what an awesome thing to be willing to do!! I'm sure I slow her down a lot since she has to take the time to show me what I'm doing, but I am so very thankful that she doesn't seem to mind. I am so excited for the day when I can just go to the gym and KNOW exactly what I'm doing, and do it all by myself! It will be all thanks to her! I couldn't have ever started this without her... I would've probably made myself look like a fool, who doesn't know what the hell they're doing, haha! But I have full trust that these workouts she's teaching me will get me to where I want to be,  because she is in prime shape, so she obviously knows her stuff!!


I've done some research, and there was interesting website I came across that stated just how important weight training is. There was a study done on 3 groups of people.

The first group simply dieted, and lost 14.6 pounds of fat on average, in 12 weeks.

The second group dieted, and did aerobics, and lost 15.6 pounds of fat on average, in 12 weeks. [Only ONE pound more.]

The third group dieted, did aerobics, and strength training, and lost 21.1 pounds of fat in 12 weeks. 44% more!!!!

[Click HERE to go to the article/ webpage I'm referring to]

 That is exciting stuff. I have a good 50 pounds more to lose before I'm really happy with where I am. I am super confident that it will all be off by the end of this year, and hopefully even way sooner...but definitely for sure by the end of the year. Plus I'll have some awesome muscle tone!

I have been eating super freaking awesome/clean, doing my weight training with her, and on Mondays & Wednesdays I have been going to kickboxing... and by the end of kickboxing, my entire butt & legs are on fire!! I LOVE that burn!!! :) I know kickboxing is cardio and I'm pretty sure I sweat out like 5 pounds during it, LOL... but I need to jump on the elliptical on Tuesdays & Thursdays at least. I had Joe bring the treadmill downstairs and bring my elliptical back up, because I've gotta admit.. I do hate trying to jog, and my elliptical has always kicked my butt when I am on it for an hour of intervals. I need to get back to that instead .

As far as eating, I have ZERO problem avoiding 'bad' foods. I just keep my mind set on just how much bad foods will set me back. I know it's okay to have a 'bad' meal once in a while, like once a week or once a month, but I am dedicated to eating allll good/ healthy stuff at least for the next 6 weeks!

Today we went to Taco Bell, and I didn't get one single thing. Joe ordered 4 of the spicy buffalo chicken grillers... my FAVORITE thing... but I had zero desire to have one. I had a beef jerky and some pomegranate instead and felt amazing about that.

The other day I ordered some C4, some 'mocha-cappuccino' flavored protein, weight-lifting gloves [ as Tazia recommended], a Polar heart rate bracelet/ monitor/ calorie burn tracker , and today I went & bought a ton of new workout clothes!!

The last time I really went shopping for clothes, was last February.... almost exactly a year ago. I remember HATING what I saw in the mirror... and ladies, hating yourself, no matter your size, is never a good thing. I was SO down in the dumps and depressed, and having a total 'poor me' attitude. Then one day I was just like, " EFF this...... I am changing this."

I'm not really sure why I didn't make that decision sooner.... I had Deslin when I was 20, and now I'm 27. Yes, I loved every single second of time with my sweet babies, but health wise... I completely ruined myself in my 20's. I am SO annoyed about that, but I am the only one who can change it. I'm the only one who can get off my ass and dedicate myself to living the kind of life I want to live. No one can come along and do that for me.... but on that note, I have got to say I feel so so blessed by how supportive every one has been, and how helpful people have been!!  I am honestly so thankful for the encouragement and positive attitude everyone around me has had, not to mention the people who have went out of their way to teach me a thing or two!

No one can change my life for me, but I know I couldn't do this completely on my own, with out the love and support and positivity of those around me.

Welll... I just got back from kick boxing, and am going to start painting the living room with Joe. *Excited!!* I bought some 'peacock blue' paint... it's almost like a darkish teal. I have wanted to do this for so long! We've owned this house for almost 3 years now, and I FINALLY decided what color I want the living room. Now to decide for the rest of the house..... lol :)

Then I am hitting the hay!! Back at it in the morning!!!!! :D

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