Monday, January 13, 2014

Morning Motivation!

This morning has been a great one so far! I let the kids sleep in a half hour later than usual, and we still got to the school on time. Silvana & I walked Deslin in. I just cannot wait until next year when they're both in the same school! It will be so much fun for her, and they are looking forward to being in the same school for the first time.

This morning has also been full of a lot of positivity so far! I love logging onto facebook to see positive thoughts & such being shared! So far one of the things I've seen is a link someone shared to a website that has 50 ideas for clean-eating snacks! [Click HERE to check it out!] There are some fantastic ideas on there, and also a link to a recipe for 'Skinny Nutella'. Nutella is one of my absolute favorite things ever, so I am super excited about this. It's chocolate AND 'somewhat' healthy. The Skinny Nutella recipe only has 57 calories per serving, whereas the regular stuff has 100! 

Another cool thing was a link to a website where there is a photo series showing you how 200 calories looks in different foods. Example: Roughly a tablespoon of butter is 200 calories, but over a pound of Broccoli also equals 200 calories! It goes to show that there are no 'I'm not full enough' excuses when it comes to weight loss... there are plenty of low cal things to fill yourself with. Here is the link to that. I highly suggest checking it out! Click Here To See The Photo Series

Well, I'm off to have some coffee and get in my date with the treadmill! After I get Silvana on her bus I am heading down to the fitness center to pay for the 'Kickboxing Classes' I joined that start tonight! It's twice a week. Mondays & Wednesdays. I'm super excited for that! I am one of those people who needs an extra kick in the butt when it comes to motivation sometimes until I get going. So having this class to go to will keep me moving! Plus once I get going and exercising as much as possible,  I always have so much energy, and want to work out even more. I'm also thinking about joining this "Battle of the Bulge" challenge... you pay $25 and get weighed and measured in. Whoever loses the most body fat% wins all the money contributed! I think I'd have a shot at that! I'm going to chit chat with Joe about it.. since we are the type of couple who pools all of our money together in the same account, and to use towards bills, etc... we always have a little chit chat about any and all expenses. I think it's a good thing! We budget every dollar we make towards something, whether it's savings or bills or fun money. So we shall see what the boss says. ;)

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