Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Me Time" as a good example!

Alright, my first day lifting at the gym was Friday the 17th of January. It has now been 9 days since I started, and I'm pretty sure I'm hooked. :)

My C4, lifting gloves, mocha capuccino protein, and mixer bottle came in the mail yesterday. I was so thrilled! There was also a huge snowstorm yesterday so the boys' hockey game was cancelled, but we hit up the gym anyways. I slid into a guardrail/ almost DIED on the way there, but I made it! lol...

Last week I did my weight training and also did the Cardio Kickboxing classes on Monday & Wednesday. I was pretty sore after the first 'leg day' I had. That soreness lasted a few days, but I loved it... I loved knowing and physically FEELING that I had gotten in an awesome workout! Even being sore, I still got through the kickboxing and did great. I had been sure my legs were going to collapse under me but I toughed through it.

 This week, I have to skip Monday night kickboxing because I have a 'mandatory' meeting at work. Kind of bummed about missing it, but I'll just do an hour on my elliptical instead. Yesterday was the first day I took my C4, and I had SO much energy left after the gym that I hit up the elliptical at home afterwards for half an hour. Best workout ever!!

Today I intended to do my elliptical too, but when I got home it was already around 6:30 and the kids were starving. So I made dinner, then watched the tail end of a movie with them, got a few chores done, then got them to bed. I am determined to make sure I get in at least 4 days of cardio this week on top of the weight training, but I'd love to make it 5 days. We shall see what the week holds.

I have been doing awesome with my eating. I've been around 1400 calories per day, give or take maybe 100 calories. I have been writing everything in a 'fit journal' the past few days rather than using the myfitnesspal app. It's just easier to refer back to. I'm also trying to write down which routine we did each day, so I can hopefully remember them better.

Alrighty, so today here is what I had:

1/2 tbsp coconut oil------60c
3 egg whites--------------51c
1c spinach-----------------7c
2 pc whole grain bread -200c

1 banana--------------------100c
8 oz fat free milk..............90c

1 beef jerky-------------80c
1/4c sunflower seeds--190c


3 squares of ghiardelli intense dark chocolate  [72% cacao]  ----230c


4oz turkey breast...........153c
2c spinach.......................14c


2 scoops of protein............240c
8 oz fat free milk...............90c

1505 calories for today! :) [ maybe a small amount more, because I had about 1 piece of cauliflower and 2 slices of onion in my spinach salad. ;)   ]   I don't feel hungry or deprived, I feel full & satisfied & proud of myself, lol :)

I could've done without all the dark chocolate....... probably smarter sticking to ONE square of it instead of 3. I just saw the serving size on the package, so that's how much I had,without really thinking about it.

Anyways I think everything is going very well! According to MY scale, I lost around 4-6 pounds in the last week. However, I don't feel like I can always trust my scale. Joe says it's because I weigh myself numerous times a day, so I get frustrated when I see how it fluctuates depending on the time of day and other factors...when I should be only doing it once per week. It's just hard not to check whenever I go near it! I will only count the actual pounds lost at the end of each month, not for each week. Last year it was around 4-6 pounds a month, but I've lowered my calorie intake and started weight training so who knows what will happen this year.

I am thinking that tomorrow I'll do measurements. I also want to take some 'before' pictures. :) I probably won't post the 'before' pictures until I've got some nice 'after' ones to put next to them. ;)

I'm pretty fine with posting my measurements. It'll be interesting to see how they compare to the ones I took last. Hopefully there'll be at least some positive change! It was November 20th when I took them last.

One last thing I'd like to say tonight is how happy I am, that I'm being a good example for my kids! They are going to know a lot of things about being healthy and active and taking care of themselves, that I never knew or even thought about when I was young. They are going to learn just by watching me, and that makes me super happy... it makes me feel like a better mom than I was before, and it is a huge motivational factor for me.

 This weight training is like a double positive thing... it's a fun, healthy, strangely relaxing & addicting thing for me.... the perfect ' me' time... and it's ALSO a good, positive, wonderful example to my kids. I just can't honestly find any reason NOT to continue doing this! There's NO type of lifestyle I prefer.

The thing that might deter some people to anything fitness related, is the idea that you can 'never' eat certain foods again. Not true! You totally can, just not every single day, or every single week! I honestly love all of the healthy foods that I've been sticking to. Yet I know that if the day comes when I REALLY want some pizza or something, I know I will allow myself to have some for a 'cheat' meal. The other week Joe wanted to order Irenes pizza, so I had 4 of the small squares of it, and was full. In the past, I probably would've had about twice that much.

 It's not about completely depriving yourself. It's about learning to like things that are healthy / that you should have been liking all along.

 You just feel better in every way, and the idea of eating pizza or 'fast food' honestly makes me feel sick... because I know if I did eat that stuff, I would feel sick to my stomach. I've had cheat meals in the last year, that I completely regretted afterwards. Not because I overdid it, but because my body was not used to the junk anymore.

Well that's all for tonight! Stay tuned for the measurements tomorrow! ;)

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