Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Moment of Truth; Reflections & 'Resolutions'

WOW it has been a long time since I’ve posted last!! The last time I posted was November 20th, and I was posting about how I was in a ‘slump’ with my exercising & eating habits.
It is now January 1, 2014!! I am so excited about this.. I love new beginnings, I love change, and I LOVE reflecting on the past, and dedicating to make changes!
In fact, I think New Years has really got to be my favorite holiday!

That being said.. it’s time for some cold hard honesty.

I have only worked out a handful of times in December, and I’ve gained around 10 pounds back!! It is super frustrating, and at one point I was so down about it, I was thinking” WHAT is the point in even starting back up!?”
But then I got real, and realized that …. I have lost 2 pants sizes in the last year, and I haven’t gone up a size in anything....I have lost a TON of inches..........10 pounds is SO manageable! I got this! IF I continue with what I did this past year by losing 4-5 pounds each month, [ and towards the end.. I lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks!] Then I can easily lose those 10 pounds by the end of February….. and better yet, I am going into this FULL FORCE this year, so I’m guessing I will lose it even sooner than that.
Last year, I ate ‘mostly’ healthy, but allowed some ‘junk’ calories into my calorie counts.
NOT this year.
Last year, I worked out for 30 minutes-60 minutes ‘most’ days on my elliptical.
This year, I am going to eat ALL healthy except maybe ONE cheat day a month, and I’m not going crazy on that day either.
This year, I am going to incorporate my new treadmill into my cardio workouts so I can hopefully be more into jogging as time progresses, and I am going to ALSO incorporate some group fitness classes to keep me motivated, and some strength training at the gym.
I’m not a huge fan of sweating my butt off in public, so I’ll still do my cardio at home. I have no problem sweating while doing my strength training. But, my ultimate goal is to someday have a complete home gym or at least a bowflex so I can do my strength training at home, too. I love being able to work out and not worry one BIT what I look like, so I can focus on my performance.
This is not just a ‘resolution.’ I hate that word. To me it’s a word to describe a fad that people do for a few months, and then resort back to their old ways. This … is a life style change.

This past year, I have completely transformed my lifestyle. Then I veered off course for almost 2 months. I feel super guilty about that, but feeling guilty isn’t going to get me anywhere.. I know I need to take action and just change things for the better. Its like an alcoholic who is clean, and then delves back into drinking for a couple months. Does that mean they should give up? NO. It means they  just need to get their shit together & get real & change. I haven’t undone ALL of my hard work just because I gained a few pounds back. I still carry with me a lot less weight, and a lot more determination than I had previously.

I have already signed up for the kickboxing classes that start mid-January, and I have bought my treadmill. I am going, probably today, to buy my gym membership. That is the biggest battle I foresee in front of me, is getting to the gym. Once I go a few times I know I’ll be more confident about it, but as it goes right now I just wish I had a personal trainer, or someone to tell me what exact workouts I needed to do on what exact days of the week to get the optimal benefits. Because I’m pretty clueless when it comes to that. And sadly, I don’t have a personal trainer. 

All of that being said, I am very confident about what this year brings. I am thankful for our overall health & happiness. I foresee a LOT of good and fun and exciting things ahead of both myself, and my family as a whole.

Bring. It. ON!!! 

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