Thursday, August 15, 2013

8/ 15...... Work Mode!

The kids have been sharing a room for awhile now. We finally got the finishing touches in their room done, hung up their glow in the dark planets, and stars, etc... and Deslin just decided yesterday, at 7 pm, that he wanted to be back in his room. His sister talks a lot and keeps him up...... so, we had just enough time to get the beds moved, and some of their stuff, and then get them to bed. But a majority of their stuff was left in the living room over night. So, yesterday I skipped my workout.

To be fair, yesterday I was honestly super sore from working out the days before, and I ate super clean and light , and I was being productive and getting stuff done I needed to, so I was fine with skipping my workout.

I had full intentions of working out today.

Today when I got back from working 8-4, Thankfully Joe and the kids had finished putting a majority of their stuff in their rooms. I organized everything, organized our stuff, hung stuff up, etc, etc. Then we had just enough time to have dinner and walk down to the park for the music at the park night. We actually got down there late, it was almost 8:00 and it had been going on since 7.

The kids were happy to see some of their friends and had a blast running around.

When we got home, it was 9:30. We washed them up and got them to bed by 10:00 shockingly.

I am so pooped out. After they went to bed I washed up the raspberries we picked the other day, and while doing so it really hit me how tired I am.

I am a firm believer that sleep is JUST as important as exercising. If I am feeling exhausted and tired, I do not force myself to work out because I know I'll only be more tired and hungry the following day. It never fails that when I'm tired my body seems to automatically walk towards the kitchen. LOL.. I guess subconsciously I'm trying to fuel my body to stay awake.While I was cleaning the raspberries earlier, I had a few tortilla chips, then I was like " What am I doing?!?! It's 10:00 at night!!" haha... So I make sure I catch myself, and get to sleep. Towards the beginning of my working out days, I napped quite a bit. I knew I needed it.

Tomorrow I work 8-4 again, then I have a ton of laundry to fold, and my mom is coming over tomorrow night and we are going to bake for my employee picnic I'm going to on Saturday. After we bake, I neeeed to get to sleep because I need to be up at 5:15 Saturday morning for work. So, Im not very confident in the idea of working out tomorrow either. But I do need to try to force myself to make the time! I'm sure she'll be supportive of that and hang with the kids for an hour or something so I can do that.

Then Saturday, is the picnic right after I get off of work, and up early again Sunday. So, I'm going to hit the hay tonight...... try to sneak in a workout tomorrow when my mom is here, and most likely skip Saturday and work out again on Sunday night.

That's the plan! I just really hope I am not pooped out tomorrow[ I'll need to drink lots of Green Tea! :)     ]  , so I can get in a workout... first step to that plan working out, is hitting the hay ASAP tonight... It's 11 now, so I better get on it!!

Good Night!! :)

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