Wednesday, August 21, 2013


SO I completely failed at my hopes to work out for like 3 hours yesterday.

But in my defense, I wouldn't have traded my day/ evening for the entire universe, or for losing 50 pounds all at once!

Yesterday after my meeting, I came home and got the kids ready and we went straight to the beach. We had SUCH a fun time. I don't know what it is, but every time Deslin is submerged in water he is the most pleasant, happiest, most peaceful kid on this planet. He has been that way since birth, and it still holds true today.

We played at the beach until 5pm. I had plenty of time to relax and take in some rays, and plenty of time to play frisbee in the water with the kids, and to swim out in the 'deep' water with Deslin. Deep to him is up to just below his chest. We had a great time! He was so talkative, just telling me all his ideas about things, his theories about life, lol.. it was fun! We had some apple slices as a snack while we were out there.

When we got home and changed, they were ready for dinner. So we had hot dogs [on whole grain buns, if that makes it any healthier! ]  and baby carrots because it was quick and we needed to get to the school to sign Deslin up for flag football.

When we got back, the kids wanted to do 'bootcamp.' Boot camp is something I came up with, that they think of as a game, to get them some extra exercise. What we do is we go out in the front yard, and I give them challenges to accomplish. For example, they line up on the edge of the driveway, facing the grassy yard... I tell them to race back and forth across the yard twice, then hop back & forth across the yard twice. As long as they go their fastest [and I can tell...] and complete it, they win. It doesn't matter who is first. Otherwise, Deslin would win every single time because he's about twice the size of Silvana.

So, we did that outside for about an hour. They had their own individual challenges, and challenges that they did together. Jumping jacks, racing, hopping, skipping, etc, etc. They love it!

After that we went in the house and had school time. Almost immediately, Silvana expressed she was tired and I could tell she was just wiped out. So I gave her some ice water and got her ready for bed and she went right to sleep. It must have been about 7:00 at that point.

Then Deslin and I continued playing school for 2 hours. He read his word flash cards, he read 10 mini books, did money math for about half an hour, did some telling time for about half an hour, a little addition and subtraction, and about half an hour of writing sentences. I find this time very important, because they need to keep what they learn in school fresh in their minds through out the summer, and also it doesn't hurt a bit to learn some things ahead of time that he hasn't learned in school yet. I am going to continue doing this all throughout their schooling years as much as I can.

All during this time of doing his schoolwork, Deslin was really excited about it and having fun. He gets very excited about learning things he didn't previously know. I am so proud of him!!

Afterwards , it was about 9:00. Typically I'd be trying to get him to bed, but we played a game of Jenga, and we played Connect 4 up to whoever won 11 games first. I won...... haha.. but he was a great sport about it and helped pick everything up afterwards.

Needless to say, by the time I got him to bed it was around 10:00. I was pretty pooped out, which typically happens to me after a long day of being outside, and keeping super busy with other stuff. So I took the night to relax. Joe was home at 11pm and we chatted for a while then went to sleep.

Today, the kids and I are going to get some chores done around the house, [ we  are all a few days behind on our chore charts since we have been busy with other things], and then I am going to take them for a walk to the park if we have time, then work out. If it's pretty late by the time we're done, I'll just get them to bed and then work out. I have tomorrow off also, so we can spend a majority of the day tomorrow at the park. :) Actually, I'll probably just get some chores done and then work out before anything else, just to make it priority #1 today. Seeing as we don't have much else to do other than chores, I have no reason not to make sure I get in my workouts!!!!!!!!!

So far today I have had:

2 pieces of whole grain toast with coconut oil and peanut butter
1 cup of coffee

It's almost noon, I'm planning on having some veggies for lunch, and I still have to figure out what to give them for lunch. Probably toast, sausage, and fruit. Silvana had oatmeal this morning and Deslin had scrambled eggs.

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