Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Ideas for New Beginnings

So, today after making my blog public, I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I want this blog to consist of. I mostly used it before to blog about little things, reminders for myself, workouts I've been doing, measurements, etc.

I want to keep doing those same things, blogging about what I eat, how much I work out, etc. But I will most likely blog about my day a little more in there too. My plan is that once I am to my goal weight, and where I want to be physically, I will probably change the blog name to something else rather than " Losing Weight; Gaining Life" . I love this name for now, because it's kind of a reminder for me, in essence, of what I am going to gain by losing this weight. I am going to gain YEARS of my life, with my children and future grand children. I am going to gain more and more confidence, which will open so many doors. I am a fairly confident person, but then again I know I do not fully take advantages of all of the opportunities life offers, because I don't feel quite adequate right now. I need to change that.

Also, I need to be a good example for the kids. I want to jog with them when they're older, I want us to focus on health as a family. We have raised them to love healthy foods, and to love being active. They understand the importance of it all, and often when offered a treat they decline. They are ahead of the game in that aspect. I want to encourage them further, and push them to being their optimal selves. I fully believe that the best way to do that is to lead by example in all that I do.

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