Wednesday, August 14, 2013

8/14/2013 - 30 pounds DOWN!

Well as of this morning I have OFFICIALLY LOST 30 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so so pumped about this!! Since slacking off in July, I have really been sticking to my goals the past couple of weeks! And it has paid off! Most of July I was stuck at 219 which was 26 pounds down... and I finally kicked the other 4 pounds out, and am at 215! :D Every single night I have been doing an hour on the elliptical [burning 800-1000 calories] and completely watching what I eat during the day. I don't feel like I've deprived myself at all, though. Yesterday for example, we had some homemade pizza and chocolate chip cookies for dinner. LOL.. I firmly believe that if you COMPLETELY deprive yourself, you're going to give up and say, " This isn't worth it!! I can't do this!!!" Everything in moderation. But other than my once a week cheat meal, I am eating very healthy, and small portions. It feels so good to not 'crave' sugar all the time like I once did. I can easily say no when the opportunity to eat some junk food presents itself. I just keep my goal of being in shape, in mind. Like the saying goes, " Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!" I totally believe in that!!! I have lost 30 pounds, yet have such a long way to go before I can refer to myself as skinny... but I'll get there! Even with being where I'm at now, I feel like a million bucks compared to how I used to feel.

I really need to thank my initial inspiration for starting all of this, Marilyn Ziebell. [ Click Here To See Marilyn's Blog!!! ]Following her blog really inspired me, and seeing her weight just falling off was so eye opening.Another person who is am immense inspiration is a girl I am friends with on Facebook, but who I don't completely know.. Jessica Dawn. She has given me some great advice, and is an immense inspiration as to where I'd LOVE to be some day fitness wise. I initially set this blog to private, for my own use. This is the first post I am making after publicizing it. So, if you refer to my prior blog posts, please forgive my grammar or rambling/ not making tons of sense moments. It made sense to me! LOL. Anyways I will be posting publicly from now on,and more frequently than in the past, to keep myself accountable.... and to hopefully inspire other people to jump on the bandwagon. :)

My short-ish term goal, is to drop the other 15 pounds so I can FINALLY be below 200 again. I haven't been below that since I was preg with Deslin, which was shocking for me, because prior to having kids I was typically around 120, with my heaviest EVER being 145. When I was preg with him, I gained 10-15 pounds a month most months... very unsure of how I let that happen, but it did. But now I am determined to get my health back, particularly because I want to be the best mom, have tons of energy, and be a good example for my babies. I KNOW I can do this, so.... I WILL do this. If anyone else can, I sure can. Once I set my mind to something it's on!! :)

Today I had:

2 pieces of whole grain toast, buttered with coconut oil , and some peanut butter.
1 hard boiled egg
1 cup of cantaloupe

4 cups of iced green tea

60+ Ounces of ice water

4 ounces of beef stir fry
1 cup of fresh broccoli/ cauliflower with fat free italian dressing

I have yet to eat dinner, but Joe threw some chicken breasts, potatoes, and italian dressing in the crock pot while I was at work. I'm going to have a little portion of that, with some fresh carrots from the fruit / veggie stand.

Plus, after each meal I take a Biotin vitamin, and Fish Oil. Then once a day, I take a multivitamin after I eat. I aim for drinking 6 of my tall plastic cups full of ice water or more, and 4-6 brewed green teas, which I pour over ice.

Then each day I get in my hour workout on the elliptical, followed by about 30 minutes of weights , and then each week I aim for doing 2+ days of my WII fit routine.

A lady I know is going to give us her Total Gym , so I am really excited to start using that! Ideally I'd love to get a bowflex and a bowflex treadclimber, but they are SO expensive!! The Elliptical and Total Gym will be enough to do what I need for the time being. I do want to invest in some more free weights, though. :)

That's all for now!

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