Monday, August 12, 2013


I don't even know off the top of my head when the last time was that I blogged! :S

Well, July was a challenging month in a sense. On the super hot days I felt so NOT motivated to do anything but hang out at the beach. I still watched what I ate for the most part, but we did have some BBQ's & ice creams. I did keep working out, but there was probably a week in there when I didn't, and the other weeks it was probably 1-3 times a week TOPS. I would say an average was 2 times a week. Thankfully during this time, I did not gain a single pound back. Being at -26 pounds has been a blessing! I feel like I have made some very positive and permanent lifestyle changes which are allowing me to stay at this weight.

For the past week I have been back on track, full force! I have been eating well, not starving but not eating crap. Mostly like chicken breast with veggies, some whole grain noodles with sauce and crushed red pepper, or brown rice with steak and veggies cut up and mixed in. All whole some , real food , low fat meals. I know steak has fat in it & what not, but I firmly believe it's fine in moderation! I even had an ice cream the other day with the kids, but it was a small one. :)

So, with my working out daily again, and watching what I eat, and sticking to my green tea and water, I have lost another 2 pounds!! As of yesterday I was at -28. I am so very excited for when the day comes when I can say that I have officially lost 30 pounds! And I am so determined and confident that it will be soon. I am also determined and confident that I will EASILY lose another 30 in the next 6 months as well. I know I can!! It will feel amazing if by mid February I have lost 60 pounds. I will be ecstatic!! Then of course my goal will be another 40. If I can stick to the pace that I'm at now, and keep motivated, I will SO be shorts ready by spring, and by the end of next summer I will be back to my ol' 20 year old self again!!! :D

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