Thursday, August 22, 2013

8/22- Pictures and Preparing!

Last night after posting, I drank a huge glass of chilled green tea and hopped on the elliptical. I got in an hour, and it felt amazing ! Then I did some arm workouts, and 200 crunches. I felt so great during it all, but then I felt really sick afterwards, just kind of nauseous and light headed. Probably because I am positive I burned off more calories last night than I had eaten all yesterday, and probably today for that matter.

This morning when I got up, Joe had a cup of coffee and my usual peanut butter/ coconut oil toast waiting for me!! What a keeper. :)

After he left for work I began reading the newspaper, and hanging out with the kids. My mother in law called me, and reminded me that we had made plans to go take pictures of the kids, and said she would be over in about 2 hours. I started scrambling around to make sure I had all of the outfits/ etc that I would need to use for their photoshoot.

Needless to say, I didn't have much time to do anything for myself. I fed them some lunch, they had whole grain pasta with shredded mozarella, pepperoni, and tomato sauce. AKA ' Pizza Pasta". They devoured that before we left.

All in all, it was a really fun time. I've always ALWAYS loved taking tons & tons of pictures, and I have probably 50,000 + Pictures on an external hard drive that I've taken of the kids since birth.  It drives Joe NUTS how many pictures I take and save! But, I can't help it. It's always been something I've loved doing.

 [ One of my 'works of art' lol...... I just love these two! It is hard to get a bad picture with them as the subjects!]

I had tossed around the idea years ago about going to college for photography, and was actually dead set on that for quite some time. Then I ended up opting for the one thing I knew undoubtedly I was good at, which was English Writing. I just have so many passions, it's hard to pursue them all in an educational setting, but I figure I can just as well do what ever I want on my own time, and self-teach via the internet, etc.

After the photo shoot, my mother in law bought the kids some Burger King. They were SO excited about that. It is now 7:10 pm and I have not eaten anything other than breakfast...... [ and I may or may not have eaten Deslin's last, unwanted chicken nugget............ lol] But that's it! Not saying that's a good thing. I really should figure out what I want and make something for myself. I'll most likely just have some veggies or maybe some oatmeal?

Seeing as I work at 5:30am tomorrow, I'm not sure if I'll be working out tonight.I should actually start preparing myself to try to get to bed early, otherwise I'll be up until my usual 11pm-1am range.  But I will for sure be working out tomorrow night, Saturday night, and Sunday. :)

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