Tuesday, August 20, 2013

8/20~ Days Off

Yesterday was the last of 6 days in a row at work for me. Now I have 3 days off finally! :)  Last night I fully intended and yearned to work out but the kids were up until midnight, and I was trying to get them to sleep so it just didn't happen.

Today I have a meeting at work. I was planning on just not going to it last night, but this morning I decided to just go. Afterwards I am loading up the kids, a chair, towels, and a cooler of water & snacks and we are heading to the beach for the day!! It's high time we get some super hot, perfect beach weather again! :) Need to take full advantage of it while we can!

Later today Deslin has his Flag Football sign up, so we'll go to that quick and when we get home it'll be dinner time.

So far today::

2 apples
2 pieces of toast with coconut oil and peanut butter.

That's probably all I'll eat until dinner, other than some carrots if I get hungry.

I'm not sure what I'm making for dinner yet, probably chicken & mashed potatoes & steamed veggies.

Tonight after dinner I'm getting the kids right to bed, I'm sure they'll be pooped out after being up so late last night and spending the day at the beach today....

Then it's ON!
I'm going to do at LEAST an hour on the elliptical, pushing for 2 hours. lol.. we'll see...

Then my arm workouts, crunches, and WII Fit. I am just aching for a good workout. My body like literally craves it!!!!

I'll update tomorrow with how it all went and what I did. :)

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