Friday, August 23, 2013

8/23 - Raspberries, Reubens, and other Ramblings!

Okay, I imagine it may be annoying that I post what I eat and what I do each day.. lol... but if it is, remember.. that's what this blog is intended for. I started it as a reminder to myself , to keep track of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it so I can refer to it as I need to.

That being said.........

Last night after posting, I ended up having the strangest dinner EVER.....

ALL that sounded good to me, was a sandwich of whole grain bread, a slice of cheese, and an entire onion cut up on it. So odd... but strangely, sooo good.

After that I cleaned up the living room and headed to bed. I am so glad that I did!! I woke up at 4:30 this morning feeling refreshed and ready to work.

For breakfast I had:

-1 scoop of roasted potatoes & peppers
-1 scoop of scrambled eggs.

For lunch I had a Reuben. SO good. SO bad for me I'm sure.... but SO good.This day only comes like once every 6 months, that I have a reuben. Still, not feeling great about it!

After work I came home and filled out Deslin's paperwork for school. I still can't believe he's going to be in first grade this year. Time sure does fly! Then I listed some stuff for sale online. We have this stuff that we're not using, and it's taking up space in my life, and I can't stand clutter. SO I'm trying to get rid of it.

I have an Innotab 2S that I bought Deslin for his birthday just a couple of months ago, just to get it out of the way. I was thinking he would love it. And I'm sure he would... but a couple weeks ago we were at the store and he was telling me how he was so upset that his Nintendo DS wasn't working right, and he was eyeing up the new ones but not begging or asking for one.

 I chatted it out with  Joe and we decided to buy him a brand new Nintendo DSi right then and there, but I informed him that was going to be his birthday present from us. You should've seen him! He was screeching and jumping, and hugging us. So, it felt good to get him something I knew for a fact he wanted and liked. And he sure appreciated getting it!

So, the Innotab is just sitting in its box in our closet. Silvana has never really been in to any kind of video games or electronics, so I wouldn't give it to her. And I could save it for Christmas or something, but I don't want him to have too many gadgets clogging up his brain. lol. Besides I already have a list of exactly what I want to get them for Christmas, and they don't need any more than what I already planned.

Next we got groceries.. the grocery store has yoplait yogurts on sale, 10 for $5!  That's like 50 cents a piece... so we bought 20, plus bananas, grapes, etc.. I love having a variety of healthy snacks on hand at ALL times, for us as well as for the kids. Deslin eats like a bottomless pit sometimes so I need to make sure he is eating the right stuff.

Then this evening Joe and I washed up a ton of raspberries we picked, and froze them. They are so huge!! We get the biggest, nicest raspberries right in our back yard. And there are SO many! More than we typically have time to pick. Next year I am planning on making a much bigger garden than the one I have, and planting much more stuff. I'm pretty excited about it! Between then and now I am going to spend some time researching different gardening tips, and different ideas for things to plant. :)

Tomorrow we are going to the Houghton County fair and we're going to go past my grandma's house on the way, so we're going to bring her some raspberries so she can make a pie.

We're all pretty excited for the fair... we've been looking forward to it for some time. We're getting the kids bracelets so they can go on rides ALL day long. Silvana has been saying she wanted me to go on the big ferris wheel with her, but now she's saying she doesn't want to go on it... I really hope she changes her mind because I was really looking forward to that!! Haha

So, other than breakfast and my reuben lunch.... .I had another reuben for dinner. BAD!!!!! I feel so horrible about myself when I eat something that's bad for me. I feel a little better once I get my workout in, but I still feel horrendous.

But, I drank a ton of water today and I'm going to work out tonight with Joe. I love the days when we're both home in the evenings because I work out on the elliptical while he does push ups, crunches, etc, etc, and then when he's on the elliptical I do crunches, arm workouts, leg lifts, etc, etc... and we do this while watching a show together that we both like. Lately we've been watching Celebrity Wife Swap, or SNL on Hulu. Love having a designated workout room right in our house! So convenient. I cannot wait until we get more workout equipment! It's a good investment , and our kids will be able to benefit from it, too.
 Also, as of this morning I had lost another 2 pounds!! :) So that brings me to 32 down total. Cannot wait until it's 40, and so on!!!! Exciting stuff!!!

All in all, I'm feeling pretty glum with what I ate today, yet I am looking forward to working out, and excited for the fair. :)

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