Thursday, March 28, 2013

Back on Track!?

Well, I got in my workout tonight! :)

Let's try remember what I ate today...

a footlong breakfast sub

a small cherry coke

a glass of chocolate milk

about 9 pizza rolls

5 ferrero rocher's

a banana.

That's all that I recall .

That's all for now! :)

OFF the wagon, again.

A couple of days ago I woke up with a throbbingly sore throat.

I also had to work that day, so needless to say, it sucked.

I didn't work out that day, which I wasn't too upset about, because I told myself it's okay if I don't workout on days I work.

I didn't work out the next day, either though. Which was yesterday. Because, yesterday I woke up with an even MORE sore throat.

Today, was the WORST. I woke up with a horridly sore throat, but I had stuff to do. So I took a dayquil, drank some coffee, and felt much better and got through the day. Now I'm thinking I will probably work out. The day quil is wearing off, as it IS 8:32pm.

Starting to cough more and my throat feels less than perfect, but not horrid.

I am almost afraid though, because I didn't work out for 2 days, I kind of feel out of sorts about it.

I just feel lazy, and grosss, and even a bit depressed.

But I'm sure the workout will help with all of that.

So, off I go to get on my workout pants, some water, and a workout.

Given this weeks events, I'm not sure I want to weigh in tomorrow!!!

Then again if I do, if it's bad, maybe it will light a fire under my ass to do better.

Decisions, decisions.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3/25/13 entry #2 for day

Just got in my half hour workout! Feels amazing! I'm at the point now that if I skip a day, I feel almost depressed, and bad about myself. I feel great right now. :) Still only had my carnation breakfast, drank about 8 oz of coffee, and am drinking water currently. :) Will post again tonight! Posting a lot, and checking in helps me to reflect on what I'm doing, and consciously think about it.

Finishing off yesterday, beginning today!

Last night I made dinner at 6pm.

I made whole grain brown rice, pan fried chicken breasts in olive oil, and steamed green beans.

I had 6 oz of rice in a bowl, with 2oz of a chicken breast cut up on top., half a green pepper, and 2 tbsp of olive oil.

VERY yummy, VERY filling.

Since then, I haven't eaten yet and it's 11:11am the next day. I know I need to eat, but I woke up with a super sore throat/ feeling ucky/ tired.

So, I'm thinking I'll have myself a carnation instant breakfast, try squeeze in a nap, and then workout and shower before the kids get home.

I have a work meeting tonight and I want to go into it feeling confident, happy, and on top of my game. So I must exercise. Especially since I skipped yesterday.


Will blog later on about the rest of today!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today is going well!

Last night I went out for a few drinks with my best friend, Cheryl. I had about 3-5 drinks, and 1 shot.AND , embarasingly, a cigarette. :S Could have lived happier without 1-2 of those drinks. lol... I came home and was almost starting to feel sick, so I chugged a bunch of water, and ate a piece of bread, and some pizza bites. Definitely regretted doing that when I woke up this morning and realized what I had done. However, at the time it was definitely necessary and I think it's a huge part of the reason that I feel so well today. :)

Woke up around 9 and had a carnation instant breakfast.

Then around , I think it was noon, I was super hungry. So I made a spinach salad, filled a bowl right up with spinach. Cut up 2 big strawberries on top of it, and about 1/3 cup of sunflower seeds. Drizzled olive oil over the top, and wa-lah! It was SO GOOD! I felt satisfied after eating that. Then I came in the living room and hung out with the kids, and we ended up taking a nap. I didn't really sleep the whole time, but I did feel super tired and have a bit of a headache, probably from last nights adventuring. So I laid there for a couple hours. Then I got up, and got the kids their ice cream cones the in-laws sent over for them yesterday.

I was starving at this point. Belly rumbling, feeling weak, all the works. So I made myself a 3 egg omelet, with crushed red pepper, 1/3 c of shredded cheddar on it, and half of a green bell pepper. Then I had 2 pieces of whole grain toast with it, 'buttered' with coconut oil. It was very filling and definitely hit the spot! A bit of 'fat', yet not too much... and delicious! Made an egg for Deslin too, so he ate that and a slice of green pepper,and then about 1-2 cups of broccoli with a bit of ranch. Hungry little man! Silvana just wanted some goldfish crackers. I buy the whole grain ones so I figured that'd be alright.

Then I made a pitcher of green tea, and drank 1 huge glass. When I say 1 huge glass, I'm typically referring to those tall plastic cups that have a lid and straw.. easily 20 ounces if not more can be held in those suckers. I'll have to figure out one of these days exactly how much they actually hold so I can be more accurate.

The green tea definitely seems to have woken me up now. I'm going through some paperwork and throwing out all the junk mail, and organizing the rest to where it needs to go. Joe and I definitely need to organize our file cabinet sometime soon. But with Easter and Silvana's birthday so close, I doubt we'll have much time in the near future for that.

So now it is 4:01pm. I will probably start making dinner around 6. Going to make chicken breasts, brown rice, and steamed veggies. It's the kids' favorite meal of all time, and it sounds pretty good to me, too.

Planning on working out tonight after I get them to bed. I get points throughout the day where I'm energized, and feel like working out... or, I'm just feeling like working out because it's so gratifying thinking of burning off these calories, and I love the way my muscles burn and I can feel I've gotten a good workout. It's addicting. But, I end up waiting until they go to bed, because the one time I did do my exercise on the elliptical, they of course start bickering a bit, and it frustrates me. Or they ask me questions, ask me to get them some water, etc, etc. So I just find it to be more relaxing, and peaceful.. more of a 'me' time kind of thing. So I like to wait until they go to bed. Besides, all the working out actually has made me kind of sleepy during the day. but as long as I get in a bit of a snooze, or even get to relax a bit.. and have some green tea, to boot.. I feel pretty darn good!

I'm at the point now that skipping a day of working out makes me feel like garbage. I think of all the calories I could've burned. The pound I could've lost. It feels good to have an addiction like this. . I hope it never goes away!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Today I woke up around 8:30, had a carnation breakfast essentials, and cleaned my room with Joe.

Then I ate a spinach/ boiled egg/ sunflower seed/ olive oil salad at noon, then an orange.

I was super hungry by 1:30 -2ish so I ate a sandwich; 2 pieces of rye bread, one ounce of cream cheese, a cup of spinach, and onion.

Still hungry: So I ate 10 pizza rolls. ~250 cals

Had 2 cold cups full of green tea, and 1 of water so far.

Also had 1 cup of goldfish crackers.

I don't plan on eating again until 5ish, which is in 2 hours... hoping to push that back until 6ish. Then I'll have a bit of stroganoff with tons of crushed red pepper and a spinach salad for dinner.

Took a nap from about 2-2:45. Deslin went to his grandma & papa's house for a few hours. She said they'll bring him back later on. So Silv and I napped; she's still napping...and I feel as though I could EASILY nap again. Just wiped out. And I want to work out again later today, so I should probably nap..


Friday, March 22, 2013

Ahhhhh yesssss!

Just got done with a super work out!!!

Today I had some carnation instant breakfast around 10a.m.

Green Tea.

2ish I had 8 pizza rolls ~ 250 cals tops, + a spinach salad with just a tablespoon of ranch.

Then around 5pm I had a bagel with an ounce of cream cheese. 300 cals.

Other than that, all I've had is green tea and water. Feeling SO good about that fact!

PLUS I just got in a kick-ass workout! I did my typical fat-burning 30 minute workout, and it felt super duper good the entire time.

Then when the end of the time came, I had burned 360 calories... so I kept going until it said I burned 400 calories, and then I kept going until my show was done, so I burned 425 calories. Felt soooo yummy. :) LOL

My belly is grumbling now, though.

Just gonna drown it out with some water, and a hot cup of green tea with a drop of honey in it. That should help. :) Sounds relaxing and good.

Let's keep this up tomorrow!!!


This morning despite all of the horrors I presumed to see reflected back at me on the scale, I had lost 2 pounds. :)

Weight /measurements 2 months ago: 245

Waist: 50"

Hips: 56.5"

Neck: 16"

Height: 62"

Current weight: 233

Waist: 45

Hips: 54

Neck: 15


In 2 months I have lost 12 pounds, 5 inches in my waist, 2.5 inches in my hips, and an inch in my neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other measurements I'm going to start keeping track of right now:

Forearm [over birthmark]: 12 inches

Upper arm: 15.5"

Calf [ an inch or 2 below knee; widest part] : 18.5"

Mid thigh: 25.5"

And according to the body fat calculator, my body fat percentage is now 60.58%, in comparison to the 66% it was 2 months ago! Still SO FAR to go, but progress is key to getting there someday! =D

I just figured out that since I've been averaging 6 lbs a month, it will take me about 5-6 months to get below 200 lbs!!!! This almost seems like a long time, but in the big picture of life, I know it's not! I would LOVE to be under 200 lbs at the start of next winter, and be able to start hockey / skating with the kids!!!!!!!! So many things to push myself for, and to look forward to!

Thank you GOD for blessing me with the strength of mind, and determination, and will-power [for the most part :P ] to follow through and stick to it!!!!!!!!! So so thankful <3

Happy Happy Joy Joy!


The last time I weighed in, I was 235. It wasn't much of a loss since the previous weigh-in, but it was half a pound. So I was content. At least I hadn't gained, OR stayed the same.

Yesterday I felt super bad about myself because I'm not as healthy as so many other moms I know. Granted, there are definitely other moms I know who are in far worse shape. But I don't want to be like that. I want to be closer to the healthier side of things. I had a 6" breakfast sub from subway for breakfast, then for lunch I had a chicken chalupa and chicken quesadilla with a regular sized mountain dew baja blast icee for lunch. CALORIE HURRICANE.

Then when we got home, Joe and Deslin had their 'parents vs. kids' hockey game and food afterwards. I was so bummed out, on the sidelines, not participating. In my defense, Silvana couldn't have been left free to run around. But it would've been SO MUCH FUN to be out there having a ball with my baby boy like the rest of the moms.

After the game, the kids all had food. Deslin brought me an ice cream sandwich, so to be 'in the spirit', I ate it although I loathed every bite. I should've thrown it away when he wasn't looking, LOL.

Got home, and Joe went straight to the bedroom with Deslin to play video games, and Silvana was running around the house crazily. It was 8pm. I told Deslin to get a shower, and told Silvana she could watch a short show while I made dinner. I made beef stroganoff because it's Deslin's favorite. When dinner was done, I hollered to everyone to come eat. Deslin and Silvana came, but Joe kept playing video games. This made me feel really bad. I understand he wasn't hungry, but dinner time is FAMILY time. So, I ate 2 bowls of stroganoff out of sheer anger. I was practically choking down the second bowl because I was SO not hungry at that point, yet I ate it anyways. What the heck.

THEN I felt SO AWFUL that after the kids went to bed I smoked a cigarette outside. =O

Then we laid in bed to watch a movie and fell asleep at 2:30a.m. Woke up at 7 to get Deslin off to school. I was still SO tired, and though I wanted to get in a real good workout before anything else happened, I knew my body needs sleep just as much as it needs exercise. So we went back to bed and slept until 10. Woke up and he took off for work, Silv and I cleaned the kitchen, and now she's watching a show and I'm cleaning the living room. Just took a 'green tea, and blog' break. :)

Measurements and weigh-in on the next blog immediately following!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Movin on !

This past Saturday I went out for a few drinks with Joe. I had a good yet horrible night. I had fun, yet I had too much alcohol and it made me super sick for most of Sunday.

Once I felt better I made some st. patricks day crafts with the kids, had fun, and made reubens. I had one and Joe had 2, they were delicious!

I didn't work out Saturday or Sunday, actually I might have Saturday morning, I don't recall.

Monday I didnt' work out either. I worked, and felt pretty sick so I left an hour early.

I don't feel too bad because I kind of agreed with myself that it was okay to not work out on days that I had to work.

However, today I worked from 11am-8pm, and came home and had so much energy. I drank some chilled green tea, and I got in a fantastic half hour workout on my elliptical. Burned 422 calories. Love seeing that number. :) I was thinking though, how awesome it would be if I could get in TWO half hour workouts some days. That would feel so gratifying, to know I'm losing a good 800-900 calories on those days!

Today I had an omelet, consisting of 2 eggs, half a green pepper, and 1-2 ounces of shredded cheese. With some black coffee. That was around 10a.m. Then at work around 1:30, I had a half a cup of tator tots. Then I had a hunkering and felt super hungry around 4pm, so I had a chocolate brownie. SO goood and so worth it. lol. It was small anyways. Then for dinner I had some parisian fish, and asparagus. Drank ice water all day.

No wonder I've had such energy lately. And I've felt so good and positive and hopeful. I have been damn consistent with exercising, and eating well. I'm so proud of myself!! I just pray I can keep this up! I need to be healthy, confident, and fearless!!!! =]

Planning on doing measurements within the next couple of days, and perhaps weighing in again on Friday. I might just wait another week to do that though, because having some drinks on Saturday makes me feel like the number is not going to have gone down much since the last weigh in.

Stay tuned!

Friday, March 15, 2013

3/15/13 weigh in!

This morning I weighed myself at my usual waking up/ weigh in time, and the scale said 235! I'm not sure, I'll have to double check what my last one was but I think I've lost some weight!


Woo hoo! My last weigh in was on 3/4 and I was 238! So I lost 3 more pounds!!!! That means I've lost 7 pounds total so far. :) And 3 pounds in 11 days! Not too shabby. :)

7 pounds lost total. Which is okay, but kind of depressing seeing as I've been at this blog since October, and have been exercising steadily for the past month. Ohh well. It has been about 1 month since I've started taking my exercising seriously, and committing to exercising 3-4 times a week so I guess that is okay.

On January 28th I last took my measurements, so perhaps tonight or sometime this weekend I'll have to do that again. Perhaps seeing some inches lost will make me feel good. :)

SO stressed right now. I'm sick of being stressed. Always am.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

This morning!

I went to bed around 9:30 last night. Fell asleep about 10ish. Joe left for work sometime between 10 and 11. Silvana was up throughout the night 'puking'. I cleaned her and her bed up a few different times, gave her a shower, and she went back to sleep. At about 6:30 this morning I woke up to her, hollering for me, she was in the bathroom sick again. So I cleaned her all up again, and sent her back to bed with an ice water cup.

Point being, I kept her home today. Deslin is off to school, and so I got in my workout at 8a.m. Then I started a pot of hot water, then the dishwasher, and brewed myself a cup of hot tea and a pitcher of green tea as well so I can cool it and drink it throughout the day.

Just watching 'Today' on NBC, and now I'm going to have my tea and a bowl of oatmeal.

Off to a good start today!

Going to volunteer at Deslins school from 11:20-3:30 for the book fair. Joe was supposed to come with me, but now he'll have to stay home with the sick little one.

That is all for now!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bogged Down.

I don't know what is going on today!

Well, I'm assuming it's the fact that I haven't ate 'quite' as good as I have been, and haven't worked out in 3 days now. If I didn't work out today, it would be 4 days. But as tired as I am, I am going to push myself to work out tonight because I think it will help me feel better.

On Friday my mom came up. Deslin had school, and right after school Joe and Deslin got ready to head to Eagle River. Mom and I took Silvana to her rehearsal for her figure skating. After her rehearsal we came home and I made dinner. We made homemade pizza. I had a few small squares, and a spinach salad. Then had some mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt.

Saturday, I brought Silvana to her dress rehearsal at 9:30am. After her rehearsal, we came home and had some brunch. She had some grapes and a piece of leftover pizza. I had a piece of leftover pizza with a spinach salad again, and mom had pizza and some spinach. Then we napped until her show started.

Her first skating show was Saturday night at 6:30pm. We had popcorn , which was super salty so we didn't have much. After her skating show we came home and had some pork ribs slow cooked with potatoes and carrots. I only had a little, the pork wasn't really my favorite. I then had a granola bar with nutella. And then some mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt.

Sunday, Silvana's skating show was at 2pm. We woke up and had eggs and bacon. I made mine into a breakfast sandwich with some crushed red pepper and spinach on 2 pieces of toasted bread. We didn't have any lunch before the skating show. There, she had a piece of candy, and a few chips. I had a bag of popcorn. We came home and didn't eat. Joe and I made macaroni for the kids later on, around 6ish. I had one bowl with cut up peas and crushed red pepper in it. Yummy!

Today I woke up at 7. Saw that the kids had no school. I was hungry, so I think I had a bowl of cereal. Then I went back to bed. I woke up at 10, the kids were already awake. Fed them some chocolate milk and grapes. Around lunch time we went for a ride in the car, and stopped at the grocery store on the way back. Bought some groceries. Silvana had a bagel with butter, Deslin had some pizza rolls and a few bites of a bagel. They each had some fresh peas, and water too.

I had some pizza rolls when we got home, and then a bagel. And then a few chips, like literally a handful. Then some green tea.

Then I took a nap at some point, and woke up feeling pretty sick so I had some more pizza rolls, and felt worse. So I had a bowl of chobani yogurt, with almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon, and cut up apple in it. Tasted SO good, and honestly made me feel better. :)

Now, I am about to make the kids some chicken and rice with peas for dinner. I might have a small piece of a chicken breast, but not sure yet. Then I have to get them bathed and to bed. It's 7pm and I am just wiped out. I could easily go to bed right after they do , but I PLAN on working out. Unless I just go to bed earlier than usual and wake up earlier than I planned to work out.

BUT tomorrow I already have to wake up at about 6 to get them ready for school, myself ready for work, then drop them both off before I head to work. *sigh*. I am SO tempted to skip a workout for a 4th day, but I know I mustn't...

Idk. My period must be coming or something, because I feel like I've been snacking too much as shown above, and have zero energy. I worked my ass off last week though, so hopefully that isn't just 'catching up ' to me. *sigh*. Idk what to do.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Post #2 for 3/7/12

Just got in my half hour on the treadmill!

I'm verrry proud of myself right now, because I almost decided to skip today's workout. But I did it!!! And it felt SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!

I'm not sure exactly what it was about this workout, but it hit thee spot! It seemed to be easier than the past workouts I've recently done, not sure what I did differently!

Other than that, just chuggin' my water up, and loving life!!

Going to take a shower in just a minute when Joe gets out, then relax and have a cup of hot tea while we watch an episode of Desperate Housewives.

Lovin' life!!!!!

Thank-you God for strength, determination, and will power!! Please help me each and every day of this journey! You know I need it!! <3

Today is a new and improved day!

It is 8:14p.m.

For breakfast this morning I had a small bowl of graham squares cereal.

Later, for lunch I had a sandwich on 2 slices of whole grain bread, with left over turkey and spinach on it with a drizzle of mustard.

For dinner, I had a sandwich on the same type of bread, with 3 thin slices of lunch meat turkey, an ounce of mozarella and a light spread of mayo, and spinach.

I also drank 4-5 cups of green tea today, and 2 tall glasses of water. Should have definitely been more water, but the night is still young!

No exercise as of yet. I was waiting for a phone call from 2 different people who were saying they wanted to come and buy the Jeep today. No one called. I didn't want to be panting on the phone when they called, or sweaty when they arrived. But now that it's so late in the day I will be getting the kids to bed soon then getting my exercise in.

Tomorrow my mom is coming up for the weekend to watch Silvana's skating show, and to visit. I really hope I can stick to my diet! It always seems to be much harder to do when we have company.

I was planning on weighing in tomorrow morning, but since I had a big fat cheat day yesterday I am going to wait until next Friday and hope I've lost at least a few pounds.


Wish me luck and energy! God help me!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On a roll~

Last night Silvana had a horrible temperature and was coughing all night. I was aiming to be to bed by 9 but didn't get to bed until 10 because I was taking care of her. Strangely enough I woke up this morning at 3:30 and was wide awake laying in bed. I considered going back to bed but knew that if I did I would be groggy when I did get up. So, I put my energy to use, wiped down everything in the kitchen, swept, scrubbed the chairs down, made a pitcher of crystal light and a pitcher of green tea, enjoyed a hot cup of green tea, and did some weight training on my arms. Felt very productive! Then I got to work at 5, and although I actually had a great day at work, my day went down hill from there.

This morning I had to bake 4 dozen muffins. When I went to take them out of the muffin pan, the bottoms felt soggy through the muffin wrappers so I tried one to make sure it was okay. It was fine. Very moist. Then as I grabbed more to put them away, I came across a few more that were very soggy. So I tried one, and it was also okay. Very good. But I instantly was like, ' WOA! I just ate two muffins! :S ' *sigh*

At breakfast, I ate 3 pieces of sausage, a scoop of scrambled eggs, an english muffin, and 2 slices of american cheese, with lemon water.

For lunch I had a scoop of carrots, a scoop of mashed potatoes, and an ounce of turkey, with lemon water.

Work itself was great. Had a nice time, and felt very accomplished. Bought some leftover turkey and stuffing for Joe to take to work tomorrow.

When I got home, I changed, putzed around, and had a sweet tooth so I ate a granola bar with nutella on it, with some green tea.

After the kids got home, I noticed Silvana was not looking good. She was super hot, looked very sleepy. She temped out at 102 so I took her in to the doctors office. Her temp there read 104.7!!!! Scary!

So after some tests and xrays and what not, we left. But first I let them pick out an ice cream from dietary, as a treat. Plus to cool her off, and as a reward for Deslin being so well behaved and helpful while we were there. We had been there for 2.5 hours. So then, I remembered I had promised the kids I'd make pizza tonight. But realized I didn't have any crust, and hardly enough cheese. So, I asked Joe if it was okay, and then decided to order a pizza for dinner to treat them, since we never eat out.

So I ordered a pepperoni pizza from the holiday gas station. And while I was there, I grabbed a bag of lays.

When we got home, I had 2 pieces of pizza, topped with crushed red pepper and a handful of spinach. Then I ate about 10 chips literally. Then I ate my piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top. Drank green tea.

Now, here I sit. Regretting this whole day, food wise! Other than the food, and Silvana's episode, it was a very good, rewarding day.

I plan to work out on the treadmill for an hour tonight to make up for SOME of the calories I shoveled in my face today. So ashamed!

Tomorrow is a new day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5 /13 The right steps!

Last night before bed I did a half hour elliptical workout.. I instantly feel refreshed, hopeful, energetic, and soooo proud of myself after each workout! There's a feeling that reoccurs on and off during my workout, where I get SO tired.. but then I feel my muscles pumping, and imagine how great I'm going to feel and look if I keep going and dedicating myself!

Today I got some stuff organized around the house. Going to do more later this evening, or tomorrow after work, or a bit of both. :)

I drank 2 cups of green tea this morning so far, with lemon juice and just a drip of honey added. I had a 2 egg omelet, with one ounce of mozarella, a cup of spinach, and half a serving of ham cubes. Then for lunch I had a cucumber on whole grain bread sandwich. Two slices of whole grain bread,3/4 of a cucumber[with pepper!], and a light spread of mayo on one of the slices of bread. Took my Biotin, Fish Oil, and Centrum Heart Health multivitamin. I also just did a half hour elliptical workout, and feel sooo wonderful! Have been watching 'The People's Court' the whole time and it pretty much flew by! Deslin is home with me today, he has no school but Silvana does and Joe is at work until 11p.m. Now it's time to shower, get dressed and get him dressed, then go pick up Silvana so I can get her all gussied up for her figure skating pictures, and then drop Deslin and Chaz off at Deslin's hockey practice, and zoom back to his practice after her pictures. I am feeling so hopeful for the future!!!!!! Please God give me the strength and dedication!!!!!! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

PROGRESS!!!! 3/4/13

Today I weighed myself. The scale said 238!!!!! This is exciting for me, because I haven't really seen a weight drop at all any time that I have tried.. well maybeee at the most like 2 pounds, after a good month of working on it. But that was just frustrating.

What I've been doing differently:::

I've been drinking nothing but water, lemon water, and green tea. A girl I know who lost 90 pounds in like 9 months, said that she drinks warm lemon water before she drinks anything else, a huge jug of water, and 6 cups of green tea each day. I know I've been drinking at LEAST that. Today alone, I pee'd like 15 times. LOL. It was kind of annoying yet at the same time I knew I was on the right track! All the hydration, plus my motivation, and just my overall state of mind lately, has made me not very interested in eating hardly at all, much less as much as I perhaps used to. I never felt like I ate a lot before, but I guess I did. And I definitely ate the wrong things when I did eat, I know that. But lately I've been opting for healthy choices, fruits, veggies, lean meats... annd I feel sooo much better for it already. Plus, I've had more energy to be consistent with my elliptical workouts.. 3-5 times per week! Which is a great step for me.. I'm not going to jump in way over my head and do 5-7 days a week, because I feel that if I did I would just be setting myself up for failure. I know I couldn't commit to that. Just the idea of it makes me sick. But feeling as energetic , happy, and as good as I have lately, I just get 'in the mood' to work out like every other day. And I am confident that as time goes on, I will want to do it more and more and more!! Pray for me! :)