Friday, March 22, 2013

Ahhhhh yesssss!

Just got done with a super work out!!!

Today I had some carnation instant breakfast around 10a.m.

Green Tea.

2ish I had 8 pizza rolls ~ 250 cals tops, + a spinach salad with just a tablespoon of ranch.

Then around 5pm I had a bagel with an ounce of cream cheese. 300 cals.

Other than that, all I've had is green tea and water. Feeling SO good about that fact!

PLUS I just got in a kick-ass workout! I did my typical fat-burning 30 minute workout, and it felt super duper good the entire time.

Then when the end of the time came, I had burned 360 calories... so I kept going until it said I burned 400 calories, and then I kept going until my show was done, so I burned 425 calories. Felt soooo yummy. :) LOL

My belly is grumbling now, though.

Just gonna drown it out with some water, and a hot cup of green tea with a drop of honey in it. That should help. :) Sounds relaxing and good.

Let's keep this up tomorrow!!!

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