Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy Happy Joy Joy!


The last time I weighed in, I was 235. It wasn't much of a loss since the previous weigh-in, but it was half a pound. So I was content. At least I hadn't gained, OR stayed the same.

Yesterday I felt super bad about myself because I'm not as healthy as so many other moms I know. Granted, there are definitely other moms I know who are in far worse shape. But I don't want to be like that. I want to be closer to the healthier side of things. I had a 6" breakfast sub from subway for breakfast, then for lunch I had a chicken chalupa and chicken quesadilla with a regular sized mountain dew baja blast icee for lunch. CALORIE HURRICANE.

Then when we got home, Joe and Deslin had their 'parents vs. kids' hockey game and food afterwards. I was so bummed out, on the sidelines, not participating. In my defense, Silvana couldn't have been left free to run around. But it would've been SO MUCH FUN to be out there having a ball with my baby boy like the rest of the moms.

After the game, the kids all had food. Deslin brought me an ice cream sandwich, so to be 'in the spirit', I ate it although I loathed every bite. I should've thrown it away when he wasn't looking, LOL.

Got home, and Joe went straight to the bedroom with Deslin to play video games, and Silvana was running around the house crazily. It was 8pm. I told Deslin to get a shower, and told Silvana she could watch a short show while I made dinner. I made beef stroganoff because it's Deslin's favorite. When dinner was done, I hollered to everyone to come eat. Deslin and Silvana came, but Joe kept playing video games. This made me feel really bad. I understand he wasn't hungry, but dinner time is FAMILY time. So, I ate 2 bowls of stroganoff out of sheer anger. I was practically choking down the second bowl because I was SO not hungry at that point, yet I ate it anyways. What the heck.

THEN I felt SO AWFUL that after the kids went to bed I smoked a cigarette outside. =O

Then we laid in bed to watch a movie and fell asleep at 2:30a.m. Woke up at 7 to get Deslin off to school. I was still SO tired, and though I wanted to get in a real good workout before anything else happened, I knew my body needs sleep just as much as it needs exercise. So we went back to bed and slept until 10. Woke up and he took off for work, Silv and I cleaned the kitchen, and now she's watching a show and I'm cleaning the living room. Just took a 'green tea, and blog' break. :)

Measurements and weigh-in on the next blog immediately following!

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