Monday, March 11, 2013

Bogged Down.

I don't know what is going on today!

Well, I'm assuming it's the fact that I haven't ate 'quite' as good as I have been, and haven't worked out in 3 days now. If I didn't work out today, it would be 4 days. But as tired as I am, I am going to push myself to work out tonight because I think it will help me feel better.

On Friday my mom came up. Deslin had school, and right after school Joe and Deslin got ready to head to Eagle River. Mom and I took Silvana to her rehearsal for her figure skating. After her rehearsal we came home and I made dinner. We made homemade pizza. I had a few small squares, and a spinach salad. Then had some mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt.

Saturday, I brought Silvana to her dress rehearsal at 9:30am. After her rehearsal, we came home and had some brunch. She had some grapes and a piece of leftover pizza. I had a piece of leftover pizza with a spinach salad again, and mom had pizza and some spinach. Then we napped until her show started.

Her first skating show was Saturday night at 6:30pm. We had popcorn , which was super salty so we didn't have much. After her skating show we came home and had some pork ribs slow cooked with potatoes and carrots. I only had a little, the pork wasn't really my favorite. I then had a granola bar with nutella. And then some mint chocolate chip frozen yogurt.

Sunday, Silvana's skating show was at 2pm. We woke up and had eggs and bacon. I made mine into a breakfast sandwich with some crushed red pepper and spinach on 2 pieces of toasted bread. We didn't have any lunch before the skating show. There, she had a piece of candy, and a few chips. I had a bag of popcorn. We came home and didn't eat. Joe and I made macaroni for the kids later on, around 6ish. I had one bowl with cut up peas and crushed red pepper in it. Yummy!

Today I woke up at 7. Saw that the kids had no school. I was hungry, so I think I had a bowl of cereal. Then I went back to bed. I woke up at 10, the kids were already awake. Fed them some chocolate milk and grapes. Around lunch time we went for a ride in the car, and stopped at the grocery store on the way back. Bought some groceries. Silvana had a bagel with butter, Deslin had some pizza rolls and a few bites of a bagel. They each had some fresh peas, and water too.

I had some pizza rolls when we got home, and then a bagel. And then a few chips, like literally a handful. Then some green tea.

Then I took a nap at some point, and woke up feeling pretty sick so I had some more pizza rolls, and felt worse. So I had a bowl of chobani yogurt, with almonds, brown sugar, cinnamon, and cut up apple in it. Tasted SO good, and honestly made me feel better. :)

Now, I am about to make the kids some chicken and rice with peas for dinner. I might have a small piece of a chicken breast, but not sure yet. Then I have to get them bathed and to bed. It's 7pm and I am just wiped out. I could easily go to bed right after they do , but I PLAN on working out. Unless I just go to bed earlier than usual and wake up earlier than I planned to work out.

BUT tomorrow I already have to wake up at about 6 to get them ready for school, myself ready for work, then drop them both off before I head to work. *sigh*. I am SO tempted to skip a workout for a 4th day, but I know I mustn't...

Idk. My period must be coming or something, because I feel like I've been snacking too much as shown above, and have zero energy. I worked my ass off last week though, so hopefully that isn't just 'catching up ' to me. *sigh*. Idk what to do.

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