Sunday, March 24, 2013


Today is going well!

Last night I went out for a few drinks with my best friend, Cheryl. I had about 3-5 drinks, and 1 shot.AND , embarasingly, a cigarette. :S Could have lived happier without 1-2 of those drinks. lol... I came home and was almost starting to feel sick, so I chugged a bunch of water, and ate a piece of bread, and some pizza bites. Definitely regretted doing that when I woke up this morning and realized what I had done. However, at the time it was definitely necessary and I think it's a huge part of the reason that I feel so well today. :)

Woke up around 9 and had a carnation instant breakfast.

Then around , I think it was noon, I was super hungry. So I made a spinach salad, filled a bowl right up with spinach. Cut up 2 big strawberries on top of it, and about 1/3 cup of sunflower seeds. Drizzled olive oil over the top, and wa-lah! It was SO GOOD! I felt satisfied after eating that. Then I came in the living room and hung out with the kids, and we ended up taking a nap. I didn't really sleep the whole time, but I did feel super tired and have a bit of a headache, probably from last nights adventuring. So I laid there for a couple hours. Then I got up, and got the kids their ice cream cones the in-laws sent over for them yesterday.

I was starving at this point. Belly rumbling, feeling weak, all the works. So I made myself a 3 egg omelet, with crushed red pepper, 1/3 c of shredded cheddar on it, and half of a green bell pepper. Then I had 2 pieces of whole grain toast with it, 'buttered' with coconut oil. It was very filling and definitely hit the spot! A bit of 'fat', yet not too much... and delicious! Made an egg for Deslin too, so he ate that and a slice of green pepper,and then about 1-2 cups of broccoli with a bit of ranch. Hungry little man! Silvana just wanted some goldfish crackers. I buy the whole grain ones so I figured that'd be alright.

Then I made a pitcher of green tea, and drank 1 huge glass. When I say 1 huge glass, I'm typically referring to those tall plastic cups that have a lid and straw.. easily 20 ounces if not more can be held in those suckers. I'll have to figure out one of these days exactly how much they actually hold so I can be more accurate.

The green tea definitely seems to have woken me up now. I'm going through some paperwork and throwing out all the junk mail, and organizing the rest to where it needs to go. Joe and I definitely need to organize our file cabinet sometime soon. But with Easter and Silvana's birthday so close, I doubt we'll have much time in the near future for that.

So now it is 4:01pm. I will probably start making dinner around 6. Going to make chicken breasts, brown rice, and steamed veggies. It's the kids' favorite meal of all time, and it sounds pretty good to me, too.

Planning on working out tonight after I get them to bed. I get points throughout the day where I'm energized, and feel like working out... or, I'm just feeling like working out because it's so gratifying thinking of burning off these calories, and I love the way my muscles burn and I can feel I've gotten a good workout. It's addicting. But, I end up waiting until they go to bed, because the one time I did do my exercise on the elliptical, they of course start bickering a bit, and it frustrates me. Or they ask me questions, ask me to get them some water, etc, etc. So I just find it to be more relaxing, and peaceful.. more of a 'me' time kind of thing. So I like to wait until they go to bed. Besides, all the working out actually has made me kind of sleepy during the day. but as long as I get in a bit of a snooze, or even get to relax a bit.. and have some green tea, to boot.. I feel pretty darn good!

I'm at the point now that skipping a day of working out makes me feel like garbage. I think of all the calories I could've burned. The pound I could've lost. It feels good to have an addiction like this. . I hope it never goes away!

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