Thursday, March 14, 2013

This morning!

I went to bed around 9:30 last night. Fell asleep about 10ish. Joe left for work sometime between 10 and 11. Silvana was up throughout the night 'puking'. I cleaned her and her bed up a few different times, gave her a shower, and she went back to sleep. At about 6:30 this morning I woke up to her, hollering for me, she was in the bathroom sick again. So I cleaned her all up again, and sent her back to bed with an ice water cup.

Point being, I kept her home today. Deslin is off to school, and so I got in my workout at 8a.m. Then I started a pot of hot water, then the dishwasher, and brewed myself a cup of hot tea and a pitcher of green tea as well so I can cool it and drink it throughout the day.

Just watching 'Today' on NBC, and now I'm going to have my tea and a bowl of oatmeal.

Off to a good start today!

Going to volunteer at Deslins school from 11:20-3:30 for the book fair. Joe was supposed to come with me, but now he'll have to stay home with the sick little one.

That is all for now!

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