Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So far today I have had 6 cups of green tea, 3, 16 oz cups of ice water.

1 carnation breakfast essentials in fat free milk.........220 cals

6 oz of chop suey casserole..............................233 calories
6 oz of cantaloupe......................................80 cals
1 fiber plus bar.....................................130 cals
1 bowl of crunchy granola raisin cereal in skim........230 cals

So, so far I've had 893 calories. Not sure what I'm going to have for dinner, maybe a brat that I bought from work, and a spinach salad. Decisions, decision! Planning on getting my workout in tonight just like last night. But if I don't, I'm not gonna sweat it because I am for sure getting in a workout Thursday night, probably Friday morning, and saturday night. Pray for me!!!

For dinner I had 2c of fresh spinach with a tablespoon of olive oil..............14 + 119
2 brats........................................................................ 400
2 slices of bread.................................................................160

1 chocolate cupcake...........................................................150
2 tbsp of frosting........................................................ 150

That leaves me at 1886 for today.

It feels good to eat a bit of what I want, and not go over my calorie count! I think that having the carnation breakfast helps because otherwise I over indulge on breakfast. I LOVE breakfast foods!

Today I could've just eaten 1 brat for dinner and skipped the cupcake. But in my defense i was super hungry [the brat] and craving chocolate hard core! I'm pretty proud of myself for skipping like 89% of the snacks I usually indulge in.

It feels good to consciously 'THINK' about what I'm eating, before I eat it. Rather than later. :)

DEFINITELY want to get my workout in tonight. But it's 6:45 and I promised the kids I'd play games with them until bed time, which will be about 7:30-8ish. I could definitely get in my workout after that. :) Pray for my unfaltering will power!!!!!!!!!

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