Monday, April 1, 2013


Today is Monday, April 1st.

I worked Saturday and Sunday from 6:30-2:30, and had easterish things going on each day after I got home, so I didn't work out at all this weekend.

I worked today from 8-4, and I had hoped I'd work out afterwards. But it's 10pm, the kids just went to bed a bit ago, and I feel I should go soon, too.

I woke up about a week ago with an awful sore throat, and it has progressed into an awful cough, and hacking up brown/yellow globs. YUCKKKK.

So, needless to say, I'm not at the top of my game, and it's hard for me to be motivated to work out when I feel this way. :(

Tomorrow morning Joe will be home at 7am, and I am planning on getting up at that time, to print off some papers for him to mail out, and after I print everything off I plan to work out in the morning while watching the Today show.. one of my favorite things to do. :)

Then I have tons of cleaning to do tomorrow. Definitely going to consume some coffee tomorrow.

I think I've done pretty good today as far as what I've eaten...but could have done better.

I drank 7 cups of iced green tea, 6-8 cups of ice water,

had a carnation breakfast essentials with fat free milk for breakfast,

a lettuce/veggie salad for lunch, with a small amount of homemade ranch dressing, and 2 oz of turkey breast,

5 pizza bites homemade, and 8 oz of veggies for dinner.

BUT for snacks today I had 2 biscuits, and a peanut butter natura valley granola bar. UGH.

Definitely couldve done without the snacks and felt better about myself right now.

Tomorrow I am determined to eat even better.

Need to buy more spinach, too. We go through 2-3 bags a week lately! I love me some spinach salad though. :)

Well I'm gonna go slam some water, then hit the hay, and get a good nights sleep so I can be more productive tomorrow.

I'm not beating myself up TOO much, because I did agree with myself that It was okay if I don't workout on days I work...

and I worked the last 3 days, including today.,...

but I also promised myself I wouldn't go 3 days without working out.

But seeing as I'm kind of sick, and have been super stressed lately with work issues, I am going to revel in my sleep tonight..

then make up for it tomorrow, with exercising.

Please God give me the strength and determination and will power!!!!!!!

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