Sunday, April 21, 2013


Yesterday I ate:

carnation breakfast......220c
6oz scrambled eggs......200
6 sausage links.........360
1c roasted potatoes.....80

1 chicken patty on a bun....190 + 110
1 small vegetable bowl...... 40

2 packs of nature valley granola bars [4 bars total]....380
2tbsp of nutella on each...............................400

Total calories: 1980
Total burned: 860 [+]

Then I worked out:
1 hour/ 860 cals on the elliptical.............860 cals
30 minutes lifting around my free weights......?? cals

Today I ate:

Carnation breakfast.............220 cals
3 sausage links.................180 cals

4 oz beef stew meat............200
6 oz cauliflower...............35
6 oz canned pineapple..........70

1 nature valley granola bar [2 bars].......190
1 tbsp nutella.............................100

5 oz yogurt...............................150
1/3c granola..............................200
3 large strawberries.....................52

Spinach salad [2c].......................14
1 garlic clove...........................5
2tbsp olive oil..........................220

1636 total calories consumed today.

After my workout I had:
1 piece of bread.........80 cals
1 oz of mozarella........80 cals
1c of spinach.............40c
bringing my total to 1836. Not shabby!?

After work the kids & I went for a walk down to the 'train park ' by Joe's work. I am super sleepy so I might nap, then get the kids to bed, then drink some green tea and work out. I'd like too try for an hour again tonight, and weights again. :)

Tonight instead of using my elliptical, I did a ton of different free weight arm exercises and squats & things I found on Pinterest. It was nice to change it up! I am going to have to come up with a weekly schedule now of what I do on what days. So far I've just been doing different settings on the elliptical and some free weight stuff. I am pretty sore, and I imagine I will be even more so tomorrow! :) Definitely loving being back at it! Before I had the kids I was at the gym all the time! I don't know why it's taken me so long to start caring again, but I'm so glad it's now rather than later!!! :)

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