Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First day of the work[out] week!

Well today is the 'monday' of my workout week!

I worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, early shifts, so I was just wiped out, plus have a nasty cough/cold situation going on.

I set my alarm for 5:45 today, hoping to get up and have some coffee, then get in my workout before Joe got home...didn't happen!

I did wake up at 6:45 though, when he arrived home.

Drank some coffee, printed off some papers that he needed to send out at the post office, got Deslins lunch and such packed for his 'fun day' at the OCC, and then when Joe left to drop off Deslin and mail out the papers, I stayed home with Silv and watched the news/got in my workout.

I cannot even describe the euphoric feeling my whole body gets after a workout!! It's easy to see why working out is an addiction. One I plan on keeping for life. :)

So far today I only drank coffee and water. I'm about to have a carnation breakfast essentials, and then I'll have a spinach salad for lunch, and probably a spinach salad w/ boiled egg for dinner. No snacks, no junk, no empty calories for me this week.

I weighed in this morning and the scale said 234.8. :S Last week it was 233....I do understand that it can fluctuate, but I don't like that number. I want my number to be going down at all times.

Time to kick it into high gear this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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