Monday, April 15, 2013


Woke up this morning, had a cup of coffee and a tall glass of ice water.

Got in my 30 minute elliptical workout; 420 calories.

Made the kids scrambled eggs [with almond milk], spinach, and 1.5 pieces of turkey bacon for breakfast, with a side of orange juice.

Joe and I had breakfast sandwiches. YUM.

Here's what was in them:

2 pc whole grain bread toasted ...........160 calories.
2 tbsp coconut oil [on the bread].........240 cslories.
1/2 pc of mozarella string cheese.........40 c
1 slice of turkey bacon cut in half.......35 c
3 mini bell peppers.......................25 c
1/2 c of fresh spinach leaves.............4 calories
crushed red pepper flakes.................0 calories
2 egg whites..............................28 calories.

So as of right now at 10a.m., my total calorie count is 532 well- spent calories. :) Very happy with that! That's 1/3 of my calorie goal for today. It was spent on breakfast, the most important meal. The coconut oil alone was almost half of those calories, and that stuff is SOOO very good for you. :) I shall update later with what else goes on. My goal other than what I eat today, is to organize the drawers of the hutch, and the 'junk' drawer in the kitchen, the baking cupboard, and the cupboard that holds all the 'extra's' in the kitchen. Probably going to be purging a lot of the stuff in there I don't use. Such as the 'hamburger patty former' I got for free at a cooking store in the mall in Wisconsin Dells when we bought our broiler pan. I can make like 10 small burgers out of 1 pound of hamburger, there's no need to make hamburger patties that are bigger than the palm of my hand! Plus I tried it once and it doesn't work the greatest.

Anyways, I intend to weigh-in this Friday and expect to see some weight loss. Considering I have this entire week off, I have all the time in the world to focus on eating right, blog about every detail, and to get in a lot of good workouts. :) Pray pray pray! <3 Momma needs to get healthy! :)

So, above I had 532 calories.

I have also had :
16 wheat thins...................140c
1 piece of string cheese.........80
1 banana.........................90

842 so far. :)

Making crockpot chicken for dinner, with rice and peppers. YUMO. Cannot wait!! It is 4:50pm and dinner will be done around 5:30-6,I am starving!


I had 3 rice krispy bars 210c
1 string cheese 80

1c of brown rice.........220
.5 lb of chicken.........300
4 mini bell peppers.......35
4 oz of 'brain juice'.....60

1c of 'light' ice cream....220
2 tbsp chocolate syrup.....100
2 tbsp caramel syrup.......100
1/4 c of chopped nuts.......100

2267 Calories today!! YIKES! Please God help me have self control.

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