Thursday, April 25, 2013



I had a carnation breakfast......220c

a cranberry muffin

a taco salad.

a cup of cantaloupe

a piece of banana bread

homemade pizza

spinach salad.

I did not work out, but we did go for a long walk together as a family after I got home from work, and played at the park. :)


carnation breakfast.......220c
1 hour elliptical workout......-880c

about to make smoothies, then shower, then Joe and I are going for a walk I think. :)Update later! [Today is Silvana's last day of school]

so we had our uber healthy delicious smoothies, then we were still hungry an hour later.

So we went to the deli. D:

I ate:

1 deep fried chicken breast.......370c
3 mozarella sticks..............400
10 potato wedges.................200c

1 sobe green tea..............200c

SO 1390c not including my smoothie. Not as much as I thought it'd be!!! But still not good. Could've been less. :(

I weighed in today... back to 230 after I had weighed in at 232 last week .. was on my period and snacking a lil bit.. not horribly but a little.

I'm praying to be under 230 next week Friday. So in 1 week and 1 day. PLEASE help me Lord... please give me strength. I know that what I'm going through is an addiction, and food is my drug. Please help me to make wise choices and keep my body healthy and clean!!! <3 Love

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