Monday, April 8, 2013


Just got in THE BEST workout on the elliptical that I think I've had!!!! My ENTIRE shirt is drenched in sweat. Went 20 mins hard, then 10 mins backwards hard, which going backwards by itself is hard. WOOP. So far I've drank a to go cup full of green tea, one full of water. Going to have my carnation breakfast within the half hour, then have a spinach salad for lunch later on, and probably have some chicken and rice for dinner. :)

UPDATE: 1pm.

So far today I had 5-6 cups of green tea, 2 huge cups of water,

*1 carnation breakfast essentials in fat free milk - 220 calories
* 2 pieces of toast w/ 1 tbsp of butter each -360 calories
* 1 cup of grapefruit -80 calories

So far, 660 calories! will Update later. :)

Since I wrote this, I had:

1 burrito 240
2c of spinach 84

1 homemade burger 293
1 slice of bread 80
1c spinach 42

1 chocolate cupcake 180
4oz ice cream 120
nut topping 200
chocolate 100
caramel 110

AND I've had 2 more cups of iced green tea. About to have more of that, and will probably have a 'sleepy time' tea later tonight.

I do not plan on eating anything else, though.

That leaves my calorie count at 2109. I'd like to aim for keeping it under 2,000... even under 1500 would be really nice! I'm not disappointed in this number though. Could've went without the ice cream, but what fun would that be?! ;) At least I only had a super small amount. YOLO! :P But that's why I'd like to step it up, fight the cravings, and lose some weight!!! Please God help me stay on track! :)

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