Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So my goal is to try and make this blog a daily thing. If I skip a day here & there, no biggie.. but I'd like to aim for every day.

Today I had a carnation breakfast. ....220 cals

then 2 cups of chilled green tea. ..... 0 cals

Then for lunch, a 6 oz salad, with 6 thick cucumber and tomato slices chopped on top..........30 cals +12 cals + 8 cals

2 oz homemade ranch dressing ............100 cals

2 boiled eggs ..................... 140 cals
5 chunks of broccoli/cauliflower..... 30 calories

4 cups of lemon water ................ 0 cals

2 more cups of chilled green tea........0 cals

Fiber Plus bar.........................120 cals

banana cake SMALLL Slice...............100 cals

came home and had:
1 slice of bread .....................80 cals
1 tiny (1 -2 ounce) leftover hamburger. 200 cals

[ I like to over-estimate my calories, if anything, to make sure I don't go over too much.] Like the burger, I doubt that tiny beast that was smaller than the palm of Deslin's hand, was 200 calories. But assuming a homemade burger is approx 293 calories as I've researched, I'd like to be safe.

So far, that means I've had 1040 calories. WOOOP! And as of right now, I do not feel even slightly hungry. My original count stated I had only eaten 840 calories, I was excited! But I had forgotten a few little things. :P lol..

Not sure what Im going to have for dinner. Joe went to get a turkey pot pie his mom made us. he wants that. I might have half of a pastie, if he hasn't eaten those already. Or maybe a smidge of the pot pie. Either way I better get on it. It's 4:45 right now and I don't want to eat past 7. Probably will eat dinner around 6. I'll update later with what I ate!! I'm tired, so I'm not sure if I'll work out today. Had a super duper busy day at work. May not work out tomorrow either. But either way I am for sure working out Thursday night, and Friday morning before work. Pray for me!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

I called Joe, and his parents are at their house in Baraga so he's visiting and taking his sweet time with that turkey pot pie. And I was STARVIN MARVIN.

It is now 5:30. I just ate a burrito .........240 calories
2c of raw spinach......... 25 calories
30 jalapeno slices..............5 calories
and 2 tbsp of hot sauce...........0 calories

This brings me to 1310.

May have a bit of pot pie if he ever returns with it, and /or have a bit of sherbet later on. We shall see!

It is now 7:28. I just had dinner with the fam.

10 tator tots.............130
1/2c spinach.............8 cal
2 small homemade burgers....400
2 pieces of bread..........160 cals

2008 calories today. That is ALL I will be eating. Planning on getting in a workout tonight. I'm pretty tired, but I really want to get in a workout!

UPDATE:: 10:00pm.. JUST got in a great workout on the elliptical!!! 450 calories, bay bay! :D

According to various exercise calculators, I need to eat under 2,100 calories a day, and burn calories almost daily, to lose 30 lbs in 4 months! I'm feeling positive about this!!!

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